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"Whew, it's bloody hot out here ain't it Haz? Maybe we should've brought a car," Louis said as he drew to a bouncy stop, propping an arm up onto the sign marked in bold capitals 'start here.' He took a sip of water and offered the bottle to me but I shook my head and swallowed upon reading the rest of the words on the sign.

The hike was expected to take nearly two hours. Probably longer because this awkward pain in my stomach wouldn't let me walk very fast. It had gotten a bit tighter and more crampy since we'd left my place half an hour ago. Maybe I should've told Louis this morning when I'd woken up with a stomach ache. It was far too late now, we'd already walked all the way here and I wasn't about to do anything that might bring Lou's happy mood down.

Louis took my hand in his and began chatting away cheerfully as he dragged me through the trees and onto the path. The tall trees cast an instant shadow across us and finally we were provided with a little relief from the intense heat. We'd definitely chosen the wrong day to take a hike, with my stomachache and this weather, but Louis was happy and that was my main priority.

At first I was managing. My hand kept wanting to hold my stomach but Louis was very observant, I knew he'd notice in a heart beat so I tried to keep my arms occupied with pumping me along. Every now and then I tripped on a root, or a stone, a few times my own feet, but it felt like I was going to be able to last the day.

Then suddenly the trees cleared and we were walking with the sun murderously beating down on us. The area was so bare and dry, I could see the path twisting as it started the upwards climb just ahead.
"You should really drink something Haz, it's really hot out," Louis said, trying to press the bottle towards me as we walked.
The heat had already made my stomach hurt worse and I knew putting some thing new inside it wouldn't help matters, especially with the uphill territory coming, so I just shook my head again.
"No, I'm alright. It's not that hot."
Louis flashed a bewildered look my way and pointed at the slope, "surely you'll be thirsty after we climb that."

I took a deep breath. Thirsty was the best outcome. The worst, I collapsed halfway up. My stomach was already beginning to churn and I wasn't sure if it was because of the thought of walking uphill or if it was heat. Likely a bit of both.

Five minutes into walking uphill and my leg muscles were absolutely burning. The heat combined with the exertion was making me feel nauseated and I was dripping with revolting sweat.
"Damn good job we put on sunblock this morning babe," Louis chirped, sounding not even a little out of breath. His smile crinkled as he turned to face me, "you're looking a bit out of it, and you're quiet. Are you okay?"

"Yeah," I puffed, wiping the river of sweat from my forehead, "just unfit I guess."
Louis frowned and fell back to walk right beside me. "You're not usually Haz. . . Let's walk a bit slower."

Walking slower meant taking even longer to get home but I couldn't make my legs go any faster so we plodded along, side by side. Every now and then Louis would offer me a drink but I kept refusing.

I felt like crying when I looked up and saw the stairs coming up, looming over my head in a seemingly endless staircase.
Why was nothing going my way?

Two steps in and a sudden gag made me pause, pressing a hand to my mouth. My stomach whirled inside me but thankfully nothing came up. From behind me, Louis patted my back and chuckled, "you've only done two steps babe, keep going."
Thanking the heaven above that he hadn't noticed, I swallowed and carried on, putting all my effort into lifting each leg.
The nausea continued to escalate with every awful step. I wasn't sure when, but I was definitely going to puke at some point. I couldn't believe I'd managed to get sick on one of our sparse days away from work, it was just my luck.

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