Chapter Four: "Just a Smidge."

Start from the beginning

"That they are, my dear. That means he got out too. We'll have to-"

"Emma! Mr. Scamander!" We heard Miss Goldstein yell from all the way downstairs. Oh no, she found us out!

"Daddy, what do we do?!" I whispered in a scared tone.

"Not to worry, my dear. I've got this." Daddy grinned and pulled out his wand, casting the Repairing Charm to fix the whole room to how it originally was. I quickly grabbed the case and began to close it tightly as daddy finished up the charm, sitting right beside me as Miss Goldstein entered the room just in time.

"It was opened?" She asked.

"Just a smidge." Daddy replied.

"That crazy Niffler thing on the loose again?"

"Maybe. And maybe more creatures." I replied with a small shrug.

"Well, look for it!" She scolded at us before the Muggle groaned again, causing Miss Goldstein to run to his aid, "His neck is bleeding! He's hurt! Hey, wake up, Mr. No-Maj."

With Miss Goldstein's back turned, Daddy got up and took my hand again, making our way towards the door. I stopped and looked up at him. "Daddy, we can't leave yet! We have to help him!"

"Emma, we have to find-" Before daddy could speak, Miss Goldstein screamed as the Murtlap finally revealed itself. Thankfully, daddy caught him by his tail and I grabbed opened the case just in time.

"Mercy Lewis, what is that?!" Miss Goldstein yelled.

"Nothing to worry about!" Daddy told her as he dropped the Murtlap into the case and I quickly closed it up.

"That was just a Murtlap, Miss Goldstein. Nothing more." I added with a smile.

"What else do you guys have in that case?" Miss Goldstein asked worriedly, both her and daddy unaware of the Muggle finally waking up.

"Oh! Hello, Mr. Muggle!" I said and waved to the Muggle politely.

"You! And you!" The Muggle gasped, recognizing both me and daddy.

"Hello there." Daddy waved.

The Muggle was about to get up, but Miss Goldstein stopped him. "Woah, easy, Mr-"

"Kowalski, Jacob." The Muggle finally introduced himself.

"Daddy, I think now would be a good time to Obliviate him." I whispered up to daddy, staring at Miss Goldstein trying to shake Mr. Kowalski's hand.

"Good idea, my dear." Daddy said before pulling out his wand, but Miss Goldstein saw it and shielded Mr. Kowalski protectively.

"You can't Obliviate him! We need him as a witness!"

"I'm sorry, but you just yelled at me the length of New York for not doing it in the first place!" Daddy argued, seeming a little aggravated.

"Yeah! Geez, woman, make up your mind!" I added and crossed my arms.

"Because he's hurt! He looks ill!" Miss Goldstein argued back.

"He'll be fine, Murtlap bites aren't serious." Daddy said as he put his wand away.

"Umm.. Actually, daddy, that bite does look pretty bad." I said honestly.

"It is a bit more of a severe reaction than we've seen, my dear." Daddy replied before we looked at Miss Goldstein, "But if it were really serious than...." Daddy seemed a little bit worried to say the next part, looking down at me awkwardly.

I blinked before remembering what the first symptom was and started to snort a little, trying to contain my laughter. It was a bad symptom, but it was honestly very funny. "What?" Miss Goldstein asked.

"Well... The first symptom would be flames out of his anus." Daddy finally said.

This only increased my laughter until I had to hold my stomach. The three grown ups all looked at me as if they were waiting for me to finish laughing. I eventually calmed down and looked up at them all in confusion. "What? It's funny."

"It's balled up, is what it is!" Miss Goldstein argued.

"It'll only last forty-eight hours at the most! Emma and I can keep him if you-"

"Keep him? We don't keep them!" She said before rubbing her temples, "Mr. Scamander, do you and your daughter know anything about the Wizarding Community in America?"

"We do, actually. Emma and I have done some research on your backwards laws about relations with non-magic people." Daddy replied, "That you're not meant to befriend them, that you can't even marry them, which offends Emma."

"Friends are friends no matter who they are!" I commented with a pout. It was true that I didn't agree that Wizards and Muggles couldn't be friends or even get married. People should like or love each other not because of who they are or what color skin they are or what religion they are. People should be friends based on the person's heart. Maybe then there wouldn't be so many wars.

"Yeah, well, who's gonna marry him?" Miss Goldstein asked rudely.

"Hey, don't be mean, Miss Goldstein! He's a good baker, any women would probably be very lucky to have him." I argued up at her, snapping my fingers in a sassy manner. I saw that Mr. Kowalski gave a small smile when I complimented his baking skills.

"I don't have time for this!" Miss Goldstein groaned, "You're all coming with me."

"I still don't see why we have to come with you." Daddy argued.

"We didn't sign up for this!" I added as Daddy went over and helped pick up Mr. Kowalski from the ground as I picked up daddy's case and held daddy's hand tightly.

"I'm.... I'm dreaming, right? Yeah, I'm tired. I never went to the bank. This is all just some big nightmare, right?" Mr. Kowalski asked aloud.

"For both of us, Mr, Kowalski." Miss Goldstein mumbled.

"Now you're just being mean." I commented to her. But she didn't reply back to me as we all Disapperated out of Mr. Kowalski's room.

Huh, I wonder where we were gonna go now?

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