More Power

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Venom got shocked by electricity and caused him to retreat into me. I ran to find cover so I am not attacked. I stretched my neck over the rubber covered tractor tire to see who it was. I looked closely to see that there was a blue covered person. Venom saw it too and disconnected from me to attach to him. His last words were "I'll be right back" and then he was gone. I looked at myself wondering what happened to get Venom off of me. I saw Venom binding himself to Electrode and then saw as Venom absorbed and replicated his power. I heard the guy screaming as Venom attached to him. Few minutes later, Venom got off of him and went back to me and he still hurt me a lot. I felt the same burning sensation but not as bad as before. After the binding process was complete, I felt some new power within me. I looked at my hands as they were sparking. I tested a theory which was get shocked by him since Electrode was seriously pissed. He raised his hand and then tons of energy flew into his hand then he pointed his hand at me as a large lightning blast shot out of his hand and hit us. I felt the shocking sensation but all I felt was more power entering me. Electrode was tired from that then I smiled. I made an X with my arms and that is when Venom came to party. I started producing so much black slime that made me grow and claws started coming out of my nails then a giant mouth engulfed my head as Venom took over my body. 

Venom grinned as his long tongue stuck out like he always does. He jumped and shot some slime at Electrode. Electrode got hit by these and then Electrode started loosing power. Started becoming weak and disoriented. Venom swooped down and got uncomfortably  close to Electrode to just scare him. I felt some happiness in Venom since he loves power. Venom just grinned and tentacles started growing out of his chest as they attached to Electrode. Huge amounts of electricity flew out of Electrode and into us. Slowly, Electrodes blue body started disappearing and his normal black skin took over. The gentleman became normal and starred at me and Venom asking who are we. "We are Venom" we said as part of my face was shown. I told Venom to leave him be since he hasn't done anything wrong and all we did was take his power to make us stronger. 

We swung to my apartment where my mom was with a girl asking about me. Venom knew that he shouldn't be seen and retreated back into me so all there was is me in my black hoodie with a Home Depot logo on it. 

Girl: "Hey Nick, how's Venom?"

V: "Uh, did she just asked about me?"

N: "Yup, Savannah just did."

V: "Dude, how many girls do you have?"

N: "I lost count, lets just say, I'm very popular."

Savannah: "I want to see him."

V: "No, I'm not going to do the whole stick out of your left arm as a snake face Nick, that is what got Brooke to run and since she is the one to ruin us, can I eat her??"

N: "NO!! No eating girls that have done nothing illegal or dangerous. I am fine bud, chill."

Livy: "Is he still hungry and I'm not Savannah, I'm Livy."

V: "Twins?! Dude, that's nuts."

L: "Is Venom still worked up about the girl that crushed you? Venom... Nick is OK, don't need to protect him from a broken heart, OK"

V: "Fine."

L: "He knows I can't hear him right?"

Venom heard that so he started taking over my body and once he did, he said fine. 

Venom: Power of the symbioteDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora