With Promises, I'll Keep

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       A vast blanket of snow covered the surrounding area of a busy city street. Aside from the sidewalk and the actual street itself, the snow was piled high, making for a winter wonderland of sorts. Frigid winds swept by a lone girl, who stood next to a worn bench in front of an antique store. This girl, though offered many times by the kind owner of the aforementioned store to stand inside, politely declined, and stood steadily in place clutching a large, red gift bag.

       It has been several hours since she first arrived, yet she stood there as resolute as can be. Despite her determined demeanor, every intake of the icy air felt harsh on her lungs. Her long hair had fallen around her, as if to shield her from the frigid winds that swept pass, carrying stray leaves. During the long hours of which she stood in place, aside from the antique owner's offers, she never once looked up. Her gaze was always focused steadily downward, disregarding those around her, who bustled about busily like a sea of working bees. 

       The elderly store owner, who seemed pleasant enough, was distraught. For such a young woman to stand in way of such menacing weather, whoever she was waiting for must have been of great importance. She had seemed dazed when he spoke to her, but very much happy in the sense that she seemed to be a very polite and gentle being. Whatever she was waiting for, it was certainly incredibly special to her. Though, he couldn't be sure that she was waiting for anyone or anything at all.

       The girl sighed heavily, watching a puff of vapor form in front of her face as she did so. Gently, she pulled her jacket tightly around her and adjusted her scarf, as if it would help her stiff limbs keep warm. The young brunette then proceeded to close her eyes, as she rubbed her gloved hands together for warmth, before she stiffly looked up to examine the strange city around her. Marveling at the large buildings that towered over her, a faint smile blessed her rosebud lips.

       She found herself to be standing in view of a small coffee shop across the street, where a few men and women were gathered in, many with their significant others. The pale girl rubbed her hands together once again and felt her flushed cheeks sting from the bitter wind. The street-side lamps were on now, the sky-- blooming with stars. Glancing once more at the coffee shop, she felt her eyes swell with a single tear, threatening to edge over her lush lashes.

       The once busy city street was nearly empty now. Some stores were in the process of locking up, calling it a day. The enticing smell of the nearby coffee shop lingered in the frigid air, occasionally attracting the odd passerby now and then, looking for something to warm their hearts. 

        The harsh glow of the street-side lamp cast a jaded, unearthly light on the girl's heart-shaped face. She kept her eyes downcast, attempting to avert any unwanted attention away from her, and willed her heavy heart from throbbing so. Her stomach was in knots, it felt as if a heavy spirit had overcome her; an anchor in the sea that was her frail body. Her chest-- so tight, so anxious from waiting since early evening, seemed about ready to nearly rip itself apart.

       She seemed to be dealing with some great inner-conflict of some sort, as if a whisper of doubt had awakened in her stream of thoughts. The gradual build up behind her eyes grew overwhelming now, blurring her view of the sidewalk cracks. Her heart felt incredibly heavy in that moment; she felt as if this beating organ inside her had never been more of a burden.

      Just as a lone tear spilled onto a flushed, pale cheek, pounding footsteps boomed in the distance. Bouncing off the walls of the buildings around her, the sound of those footsteps grew louder until it seemed to be the only sound she could hear, aside from her soft breathing and the rapid beating of her heart.

       With her back to the source of the sound, she felt her heart lurch in her chest and her breath hitch in aghast. Her eyes widened with realization. Or rather, perhaps it was hope.

       The footsteps slowed as they grew closer, an unmistakable ding of a bell jingled lightly in the crisp air.

     Overwhelmed, she felt her face unwillingly crumple, as a stream of tears flowed down a cheek the moment she slowly turned to face the person behind her. 

       He stood in front of her panting, as if he had run a great deal to get himself where he was now. Clear blue eyes met green, and she felt her heart constrict impossibly tight that moment in time, something completely unknown to her.

       Seeing her tears, his arms reached out to her trembling shoulders in a warm embrace.

     All the tension she felt melted away that very second, as she felt her heart bloom with unimaginable joy. Tears streaked her cheeks now, as she looked up to the garden of scattered stars. The flowers of an endless garden that without fail, promised to bloom come nighttime once again; and the moon, much like the sun, illuminated the sky and gave tender love to blooming flowers.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2014 ⏰

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