"I wouldn't do that if I were you," Lotor says. Keith freezes in his tracks when he hears the click of the safety of a gun being turned off and slowly turns to see Lotor smiling at him, a gun pointed at him.

"Now, you wouldn't want me to use this now, would you? So be a good boy and come back here."

Keith hesitantly steps forward, hiding the taser behind him, hoping that Lotor hadn't seen it.

"Hurry up and get over here now!" Lotor shouts, shaking the gun at Keith. Keith whimpers and scrambles forward, now face to face with the barrel of Lotor's gun.

"That's a good boy; you should listen when your soulmate tells you to do something. Right?" Lotor says as he harshly grabs Keith's chin and pulls him forward. "Right!"

"Yes!" Keith exclaims, trembling in fear. Taking the gun, Lotor uses the barrel to stroke Keith's face.

"You should've listened back then; I only wanted to love you, but you ignored me. You little bitch!" Lotor shouts as he shoves Keith back, causing him to stumble and the Taser to fly. Keith hisses as he hits the ground, scrambling for the taser, but Lotor steps on his wounded hand, causing him to shout in pain.

"You brought a taser to our date!" Lotor shouts, enraged, walking over to the taser and picking it up before heading back to the desk. Keith watches as Lotor places the taser on the desk and storms back to Keith's crumpled form. He crouches in front of Keith and points the gun barrel directly at his head.

"You never listen; I should've known you'd do something like this after the whole freakout after we had sex one time."

"You raped me!" Keith screams, "You forced yourself on me!"

"I loved you! And to repay me, you got me thrown in jail!" Lotor shouts as he stands to his feet, waving the gun around.

"You didn't love me! You loved having power over me!" Keith shouts as he struggles to get to his feet.

"No! I loved you; you are my soulmate! And in return for my love, you had me handed over to the police and cheated on me with Lance! You whore!" Lotor screams as he pulls back his hand and slaps Keith. Keith holds his cheek and glares at Lotor.

"Lance is one hundred times better than you, not a million times better than you. He is everything you are not, and I love him! Not you!"

"You little!" Lotor screeches as he grabs Keith around the neck, choking him. "You love me!"

"Go fuck yourself," Keith chokes out, struggling for air.

"Keith!" a voice shouts. It's Lance. In desperation, Keith pulls back his foot and kicks Lotor as hard as he can, causing him to lose his grip around Keith's neck, allowing him to break free.

"Lance!" Keith screams as he starts to run towards the door.

"No!" Lotor shrieks as he lunges at Keith, grabbing the back of his shirt and pulling him backwards. Lance, Ezor and Acxa rush into the room as Lotor gets an arm around Keith's neck and places the barrel of his gun against Keith's temple.

"Stop right there!" he shouts, "Or I'll shoot!"

Lance stops in his tracks. He feels his stomach lurch when he sees Keith struggling to breathe and the gun beside his head.

"Lotor, you don't have to do this!" Lance says as he raises his hands in the air in surrender.

"You're right; I don't have to shoot Keith. Just you." Lotor says as he points the gun away from Keith's temple and straight at Lance's chest. His finger is on the trigger.

"No!" Keith screams as he bites into Lotor's arm, causing him to drop his arm and give Keith a split second to hit the gun from his hand. The weapon flies to the side, and Lance, Lotor and Keith lunge for the gun. Lotor gets to it first, picking it up and hitting Lance in the side of the head, knocking him backwards, and a gash appears on his head. Acxa and Ezor gasped and ran to Lance's side. Keith hisses and holds his head, too, as the tear slowly appears on his forehead. With all his strength, Keith jumps at Lotor, knocking him off balance causing him to through the gun to the side and knocking him against the desk. He hears Lotor grunt in pain, and he rolls off to the side, gripping the side of the desk to stand up. Lotor gets to his feet, and a mad look in his eye as he charges at Keith. Without hesitation, he grabs the taser, and the moment Lotor appears in front of him, he pushes it into his stomach, causing him to catch himself on the desk.

"You bitch!" Lotor yells. "You think that's enough to stop me!"

Lotor reaches a hand into his back pocket before lunging at Keith.

"How about this!" a voice screams. A large glass vase comes crashing down on Lotor's temple, shattering into pieces. Lotor stumbles away from Keith, and Keith watches as his eyes roll back. He hits the floor, unconscious. Looking over, Keith sees Pidge standing over Lotor's body as Allura, Jorji, Shiro, and Hunk rush into the room. Keith stumbles to his feet, glad that it's over and tries to make his way over to where Lance is with Acxa but falls to the floor a foot away from them. He tries to crawl closer but collapses to the floor. Turning over onto his back.

"Keith!" Pidge shrieks as he runs to his side.

"I-I-I think he got me..." Keith coughs out as he removes his arm from his stomach showing his shirt drenched in blood and a massive stab wound in his abdomen. Pidge's head whips over to Lotor's unconscious body to see in his hand an enormous steak knife coated in blood.

"Keith!" a weak Lance shouts as he coughs.

"I'm here, Lance!" Keith shouts, pain radiating through his body.

"Someone call 911!" Shiro shouts as he picks up Keith and moves him next to Lance.

"Somebody help me put pressure on Keith's wound!" Acxa shouts from where she is at Lance's side, trying to stop the bleeding. Hunk bolts to Keith's side, immediately putting pressure on the bloody wound. Keith's head lolls to the side to look over at Lance.

"Lance," Keith whispers, trying to keep his eyes from closing.

"Yeah," Lance whispers back.

"I love you..." he says as a tear falls down his cheek. Lance gives him a small smile and grabs his hand.

"I love you too." Keith just smiles back as his eyes flutter close.

"Guys! We're losing them!" Pidge shouts. Lance watches as Keith's eyes close, and he can feel his eyelids grow heavy too. Just as his eyes close, he can swear he hears sirens in the distance and the flashing of lights shining through the window. 

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