Winter did as she was told and before long she was asleep.

The next morning, Winter set up everything in the tent just the way it had been before. She was going to set up for more training but Marta would not allow it.

Marta: No, you must take it easy. Time for you to slow down and not do so much ok?

Winter: Ok, maybe I can write those letters now.

Marta: Oh, no, so sorry Miss Schnee. Raven said no letters or outside communication for a few weeks. We have to make sure it is safe. If there is trouble, we will have to move again.

Winter: Move again? Why? What is happening?

Marta: Salem, Miss Schnee. She will attack soon.

Winter was disappointed that she would not be able to write to Weiss and Qrow. She decided to write them anyway. She could mail them later.


I am doing well. My business here will be a bit longer but everything is going well. I am excited to hear all about your adventures when I return. Please be careful and stay safe. I am afraid that Atlas could be attacked very soon. I hope to see you soon.

Love, Winter

She sealed the letter and stared at the next page. It was so hard to know what to write to Qrow. She didn't feel satisfied with the business tone of each one. This time, she thought, maybe I can write what I really want to say. It could be some time before the letter reaches Qrow and by then, maybe it would be the right time to tell him things she had hidden. She begins to write:

Dear Qrow,

I hope this letter finds you well. I am safe and well. It may be sometime before you receive this but do not worry that it has been weeks or even months since I have written. I wrote this just a week since I last wrote to you. During my mission there was a threat and we had to relocate. Unfornately, I am not allowed to mail this so I do not know when it will reach you. Qrow, I have something very important to tell you. I can't say it in a letter. I regret waiting this long. I wanted to tell you after our present threat of attacks had passed. I assumed there would come a day when we could feel safe and free from these threats but that day may never come. If anything should happen to me, I want you to know that I love you. I have never given up on us. Some day I hope we could have a normal happy life together. If this mission is a success, it could help us to have just that. That is why I had to leave. I'm sorry. I miss you so much. I will come home to you as soon as possible. Please be safe.

With all my love

She read over the letter again. Winter was sad but it felt good to express herself. She sealed the letter. She told herself that she would let it be mailed as soon as possible and that would be the right time to tell Qrow everything. She sealed her letter with the same seal she had used each time.

The next couple of months seemed like a couple of years to Winter. She was limited in her activities each day. The letters she had written had begun to pile up. She was disappointed every day when she saw the unmailed letters.

On the plus side, Winter had learned so much that she was certain Raven would help them when the big battle came. She had become closer to Raven and Marta. They were her support throughout her pregnancy. Winter was now more than 5 months and her belly was growing rapidly.

Meanwhile back in Atlas, Qrow had grown accustom to receiving a letter each week from Winter. When the letters stopped, he began to worry. He wasn't the only one. Weiss had come to him crying. She asked him if he could try to locate Winter because she had not heard from her in over a month. He tried to reassure her but learning that she wasn't contacting her sister either told him there was reason to worry. He first went to Ozpin.

Ozpin: No, I do not have any information on whatever mission Miss Schnee is on. I am sorry to hear that her sister is so concerned but you should know that it can sometimes be difficult to keep in contract with family during a long mission. Tell her not to worry.

Qrow: I would and I have but I have a gut feeling we should be worried.

Ozpin: Well, if you feel that strongly, you should speak with General Ironwood. If anyone can shed light on this matter, it would be him.

Qrow hated the thought of asking Ironwood for help. He decided to wait. He wanted to give it more time before going to Ironwood. He was certain that Atlas would be attacked soon. The grimm attacks were happening frequently. The city had already taken a great deal of damage.

Winter was happy when she was able to begin training again a couple of weeks after the move. Though she had to cut back the time she spent with her students, it kept her occupied for a while each day. Winter was glad for a distraction that kept her mind off her fears. She missed Qrow and Weiss. She couldn't sleep worrying about them and what dangers they might face in Atlas. She wondered if she and her child would be safe or if they would be caught up in a battle of their own. Avoiding the inevitable battle coming to Atlas was one of the biggest reasons Winter had left. She didn't want to put her child in any danger. She was afraid now, that danger would find them no matter where they were. Winter enjoyed getting to know Raven. They talked every day.

Raven: You are an excellent trainer. Raven told Winter, we will be ready when they come.

Winter rubbed her belly: Do you think they will come here?

Raven: You are worried what will happen.

Winter: Yes

Raven: I will do my best to protect you and the baby.

Winter: I will fight with you but...the baby...I can't fight until I deliver...and what happens when I do? I guess I thought that I could avoid the fighting but...

Raven: I understand. What are you going to do? When the baby comes, what then?

Winter: Battle or not, I want to go home. I want to tell him the truth. I want to be there for him and Weiss. I want you to come. Come with me. Bring your tribe to Atlas. Will you join us?

Raven: We will be there for the final battle. Beyond that, I can not say.

Winter: When Salem is defeated, your people will be free. You don't have to hide anymore.

Raven: Perhaps but it is far more likely none of us will ever be free.

Winter: I really hope you're wrong.

Raven: So do I.

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