Chapter 1

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          When Styx woke up, he was in an unfamiliar white room with strange tubes connected to his arm and beeping that he had never heard before. He also had something over his nose and mouth, which made him panic. Before he could get the mask off, a tall man in a white coat rushed over and very gently took his hands away from it. "Easy... Easy... That mask is made to help you breathe while you were asleep... But you're awake now so I'm going to take it off..." Styx was scared but he stopped struggling. The doctor nodded and slowly lifted his head and loosened the straps before removing the mask. Styx looked up at the doctor, who pulled a chair up to the bed and sat down. "When you were brought in, we were surprised.. Can you answer a few questions for me...?" Styx bleated in fear and shook his head before squeaking when he felt a pain in his chest. "Don't move too much... You came in with a very bad cut on your chest. When you were brought in by a pale woman, all we were given was that your name is Styx... Styx, what happened to you...?" Styx shook his head but didn't answer. The doctor sighed. He motioned a nurse over who then set out a platter of fruits and some chicken noodle soup. The aroma of the food made the lamb perk up and reached for the fruits, picking up each piece with his hands. The doctor patted the lamb's shoulder gently before leaving the room. The nurse then sat down on the bed and took a spoon. She scooped up some soup, but Styx looked scared. "It's okay, Sweetheart... It'll make you feel better..." 

           Styx, scared and shaky, shook his head and covered his mouth; after what happened to his village, he was too scared to trust anyone. The nurse's eyes softened as she set the spoon back in the bowl and stood up. "I'll leave you to eat..." she said before leaving the room. When she looked at the doctor she sighed, "whatever happened must've traumatized him...." The doctor nodded in agreement. He definitely showed signs of trauma, but what happened? What even was he; he wasn't Human. He looked at Styx through the window and was met with the sight of Styx watching them while eating his fruit. The doctor gave the cautious lamb a tender smile and waved to him before looking at the nurse again. "What were the results of his blood work?" he asked quietly. The nurse shook her head and explained that while he was O positive, they couldn't figure out his DNA to find out anything about his past. The doctor groaned; they needed to find out before they can decide what to do with him. After smiling back at Styx, he walked off down the hall to check on another patient.

          No sooner had he left, Styx looked around the room. He saw his coat, freshly washed to remove the blood. He started to move to grab it when the pain in his chest hit him again, resulting in a cry of pain.The nurse heard the sound and immediately rushed in there. "Take it easy, Sweetheart... You'll only reopen your wound..." she said before noticing what he was reaching for, resulting in her baby blue eyes softening, "You wanted your jacket, didn't you...? Here..." She went over to it, picked it up off the back of the chair, and gently draped it across Styx's lap. The lamb looked up at her before hugging his coat tight. It was the last thing Grandma Luna had given him, along with the flute his dad had carved him. When he found it in his coat pocket, he immediately took it out and tears filled his eyes, "D.... Daddy......." The nurse's eyes widened then she knelt beside his bed, "Styx, Sweetheart? Can you tell me what happened....?" Styx shook his head and hugged his coat and flute tighter. He brought his knees close to his chest, revealing reddish black fleece. His hooves were still covered, and when he realized he revealed his legs, his eyes widened, he bleated, and he hid under the blanket. The nurse smiled softly and patted his head, "Styx, you're safe now..." Styx shyly peeked from under his blanket. Upon seeing this, the nurse smiled softly and softly encouraged him to lie back down. After he did as told, she tucked him in for the night, kissed his forehead, and turned out the light before leaving the room. Styx curled up under the blanket and tried to get some sleep, falling into a very restless sleep.

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