Chapter 1

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5 years ago  The sweltering heat of the hot summer day was enough to make my blood boil but combined with the consistent snapshots from Marc made me want to jump over the cliff

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5 years ago
  The sweltering heat of the hot summer day was enough to make my blood boil but combined with the consistent snapshots from Marc made me want to jump over the cliff. Or push him off.
  This year's annual summer trip was slowly going downhill due to the presence of an unwanted guest- James Lowell. Yes, he is beautiful with the perfect dimpled smile and the tousled hair.Unfortunately, his enormous ego takes away from his looks, but nonetheless, he was my first crush.

Unfortunately, his enormous ego takes away from his looks, but nonetheless, he was my first crush

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  "Ellie," said Mr. Keys sharply, "what is the answer for number 3?"
  My head snapped up unaware that he has been calling me for the past 2 minutes. My hand paused doodling and instead resorted to fidgeting with my pen. Nervously, my eyes dart to Sierra but she's already invested into her science book. My heart sank deeper into my chest as I opened my mouth,
      " I don't know."

He sighed deeply and turned back to the board. As soon as his attention was focused on the next question, my foot accidentally connected to the shin of Sierra.
  "What was that for?" she hissed in pain as she reached down to rub her shin. My eyes narrowed and I angrily whisper, " You didn't help me out when I needed it."
  "Not my fault, you should have paid attention."
  " In US History? You're joking," I said incredulously.  The long awaited bell finally cried out and I stumbled my way out of the classroom feeling confused and lost. My short-lived joy dissipated as I realized it was still 9 am and four dreadful classes awaited my presence. With a sigh, I trudged onto my next class.

" Vana, whatcha get on the math test?"  her faithful groupie questioned.  She tilted her head back and let out a series of melodic laughter before stating, " What else did you expect silly? I failed."
It's not like I thought my former best friend would be any good in school after joining the dark side. After seven years of friendship, she upped and left after spilling the majority of my embarrassing secrets including my unfortunate incident in 5th grade when I couldn't make it into the restroom and spilled my guts in front of the majority of the school.
  After the major stab in the back, I tried my hardest to avoid Vana at all times but my efforts render useless as she seeks me out as her constant victim.

  "What did you get Ellie?" her voice masking taunt with false curiosity. Before I could retort, her new best friend Wanda answered for me,            "What else did you expect from our little nerd? Of course she got a perfect score."
    "At l-least I'm going somewhere after high school u-unlike you," I managed to get out. I was naturally quiet so even the littlest bit of speech required courage.
     "A-are you unable t-to talk l-like a normal p-person?" questioned Wanda, her eyebrows furrowed to convey the look of concern. I turned my head back to the front no longer capable to waste my energy on useless quarrels.

 I turned my head back to the front no longer capable to waste my energy on useless quarrels

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