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I was dreaming, I should have known. I thought I was forgiven but it turns out that was not real. But it felt real, that feeling of his arms against my face .. the heat of him .. it all felt real. I can't believe it's nothing but a dream.

 A few weeks have passed since the last time I saw Brad and to be honest, life's never been the same. I thought I'd like this feeling but I was beyond wrong, I miss him so much. I was at the cemetery for his mother's burial ceremony even though he doesn't want me to be there, it's the least I can do to show that I care about him a lot.

 I hid behind a tall stone monument and watched him fall apart ad they laid his mother six feet deep under the ground. That moment broke me, I know the feeling about losing the person you cared most about and trust me if you can go with them you would.

 The last person related to Brad that I talked to is his brother, Connor. He was kind enough to come to me and say thanks for not giving up on Brad.

 The thing is ...

 I'm starting to give up, I'm starting to accept that is how our deal ended. Maybe it's time for me to move on, judging from the lack of texts or calls it's pretty obvious that he already has.

 Today I found myself looking at the ticket prices to London on the internet, I should go after my friends and maybe have a new start.But then the doorbell started ringing so I got up and and answered to it. I found Connor standing on the other side of my door.

 "Connor? You know where I live?"

 "Facebook .. definitely Facebook. Can I talk to you?"

 "Sure" I said and then let him in.

 "Okay I'm gonna say this straight up, I'm gonna help you and Brad"


 "I'll help you guys"

 "You don't have to"

 "Yes  do, Brad will be alone if I don't"

  "Alone? Where are you going?"

 "I left a life to take care of Mum, now she's gone I have to leave again"

 "Can't you stay?" I asked and he turned his head from side to side.

 "So are you gonna let me help you?"




 I was trying to keep Mom's room as clean as possible, it's the least I can do to commemorate her memory. Sudden;y, someone started knocking at the door so I quickly ran to open it. My jaws dropped when I saw Elizabeth's Dad on the other side.

 "Good day?"

 "We need to talk"

 "If it's about your daughter .. Sir we don't need to, I made it clear I don't wanna talk to her ever again"

 "It is about her, but please listen to me first"

 I took a deep breath and just let him in, he immediately sat on the chair and I headed for the one opposite to him.

 "Elizabeth loves you, that's why she didn't leave"

 "She would have if she didn't found out about my mother's death"

 "That's not true"

 "Not true? Sir, with all do respect what your daughter hurt me the most and you know that. You saw me spent the night at her house remember?" My heart is racing as my voice started to break, the pain is still real and in every passing second I spend here it just grows more and more.

 "She's only leaving because she doesn't wanna be with me. She's running away"

 "Also one of the reasons that I don't understand. I know she has hatred for you, but her running away seemed impossible until she did it. Elizabeth made it clear to me that she'll be there for me the same way I helped her before. She tried to leave, she's going to leave me alone do you understand?"

 "This is all my fault son, I came back even if I know she'll reject me. I'm the reason why she tried to leave. Please forgive her"

 "You should leave"

 "Please ... "

 "Please leave before I call the police"

 He sighed deeply, got up and headed towards the door. I felt guilty for doing it but I can't deal with him anymore.

 "She loves you, don't ever forget that"

Elizabeth || The Vamps/Brad Simpson auDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora