Shoeshine thought long and hard for a moment, thinking back to everything that brought him up to this moment. The little beagle nodded to his mentor and friend, looking determined now. 

"Krypto follow me, I got an idea!" Shoeshine told his mentor, running off towards the building.  

"Whatever you say, you're in charge of this mission" Krypto replied as the two dogs ran up to the Capitol. 

"Where are they going?" Jane noticed the two dogs run up to the building. 

"I think Shoeshine has a plan" Kali replied. 

"If they got to do something they better do it fast" Walter said. 

"Please be careful, Shoeshine and Krypto" The twins prayed.  

The two dogs managed to get in by one of the air vents. 

Inside the Capitol building, the mayor was surrounded by the three german shepherds while Barsinister told him his demands. Shoeshine and Krypto had been crawling through the air vent until they were right above another vent hatch and looked down to see giant globe.  

"What now?" Krypto asked, since there wasn't much to go on with their plan. 

"Well, it's not like a solution's just gonna fall out of the sky" Shoeshine shrugged his shoulders.  

Suddenly, Shoeshine fell through the vent and landed right on top of the giant globe. 

"Shoeshine!" Krypto yelped out to his friend. 

Shoeshine started running on the giant sphere, going around and around until it came loose from its attach holder. Krypto jumped down through the vent, landing safely on the ground while the giant sphere Shoeshine was rolling around on headed down the stairs and straight for Barsinister. Barsinister and his dogs turned around and couldn't believe what they were seeing.  

"What?" Barsinister asked shocked. "Him again?"

The german shepherds thought of this as a game of catch and went for the giant ball. Shoeshine jumped off the sphere right when it hit the mayor in the head, knocking him out. 

"Are you kidding me?" Barsinister said as Shoeshine and Krypto jumped at him.  

There was a brief scuffle between Barsinister and the two dogs, ripping open his pocket and the pills fell out. Both dogs tumbled down and laid on the steps, being knocked out briefly at the moment.  

"That'll teach you to mess with me" Barsinister glared at the two dogs, specifically Shoeshine. 

"Simon says... 'Lunch!'" The wicked mad scientist commanded his german shepherds. 

The three shepherds growled as they approached the two weakened dogs.  

"Don't worry" The 1st shepherd laughed evilly. "It will be over in no time" 

"You're not even big enough to be table scraps" The 2nd shepherd mocked Shoeshine. 

"There's no need to fear" Shoeshine got up, feeling a familiar vibe coursing through his body. "Underdog is here"  

"Huh?" Barsinister and the shepherds questioned. 

Krypto also felt a powerful sensation through his body as he and Shoeshine both kicked two of the shepherds right into some statues. Their powers had been restored.  

"How did you?..." Barsinister was in shock before noticing his pocket had been ripped and the pills were on the ground. 

"Simon says, 'Attack!'" Barsinister ordered his german shepherds. 

Krypto meets UnderdogWhere stories live. Discover now