Krypto went around in circles, quickly changing into his Superdog costume, then Kali got on his back to ride. Shoeshine grabbed Jack's jacket collar in his mouth and the four took off into the sky, flying off with supersonic speed to their destination in seconds. 

The three german shepherds continued barking at Dan, threatening to hurt him if he didn't call Shoeshine for help. 

"Shoeshine!" Dan continued calling. 

Right on cue, Shoeshine, Jack, Superdog, and Kali all came rushing into Barsinister's secret lair. 

"Shoeshine" Dan was surprised to see the beagle and the others had actually come to rescue him.   

"Dad!" Jack rushed over to save his dad but Cad stopped him from doing so and tied him up.  

Krypto had his teeth bared, ready to attack. He lunged straight for Barsinister. 

"I don't think so" Barsinister smirked evilly and held out a big green chunk of rock in front of the Superdog. 

But this wasn't just any rock. It was kryptonite! Krypto's one true weakness. 

The white lab tried to stay strong and fight, but was weakened by the kryptonite and collapsed to the ground. The kryptonite had drained all of Krypto's superpowers and the Superdog was now left helpless to defend his friends. Kali rushed over to Krypto's aid, but there was nothing she could do to help her dog. 

"Jack! Jack, what's going on?" Dan asked his son, completely confused. "What's going on here?" 

"'Shoeshine', isn't it?" Barsinister asked the beagle sinisterly. "Or shall I address you by your nom de guerre.... 'Underdog?'" 

"It's 'Shoeshine'" the beagle firmly replied. 

"He can talk?" Dan asked in surprise. 

Barsinister finally had Shoeshine beat, having taken his friends and family hostages and threatening to do harm to them unless Shoeshine did what he said.   

"I'm sorry" Shoeshine told his family and friends, finally surrendering to the bad guys. "Do whatever you want with me. Just let them go"  

"Oh" Barsinister chuckled. "Wise decision"

Turns out, Barsinister didn't want Shoeshine, he wanted his DNA. He took away Shoeshine's superpowers and put them in a little blue pill. But that wasn't the worst of it. 

"And in this pill, there is the DNA of a regular beagle" Barsinister held out in front of Shoeshine. 

"Shoeshine, don't do it!" Jack, Kali and Krypto begged. "No!" 

"Do you know what the saddest part is?" Barsinister asked Shoeshine. "You actually thought that they loved you. They only loved the power that I gave you"  

"No!" Jack protested.  

"That's not true!" Kali and Krypto said. 

But Shoeshine felt he had no choice and ate the pill with the antidote. 

"No, Shoeshine!" Jack, Kali and Krypto cried out.  

Shoeshine began feeling powerless and in pain as he was starting to change back. 

"Jack! Krypto! Ahhh! I didn't want... anyone... to..." Shoeshine started saying in between barks. "get... hurt..." 

Everyone watched with all different kinds of emotions as Shoeshine had now completely changed back into a normal dog. No longer the powerful superhero Underdog... just regular Shoeshine.

"Shoeshine!" Jack, Krypto and Kali looked helplessly to the beagle. 

Poor Shoeshine hung his head down whimpering, feeling like he truly had failed his family and Krypto as his apprentice. 

Krypto meets UnderdogOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora