Peter Finally Speaks Up

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Peter's POV

i joined the Avengers about a year ago. Life has always been pretty crap for me but i hoped they would be different. they were nice for about a month then everything got worse everyone was always ignoring me or making mean comments. Clint saw how i was being treated and started standing up for me along with Natasha and the Maximoff twins. Sam and tony ignore me vision was programmed to ignore me Bruce is usually in a lab Steve and Scott always pick on my little mistakes, Bucky is pretty secretive Thor is nice but is always off somewhere as well as strange, T'challa and the Gaurdians. 

I woke up to the smell of bacon and eggs i jump up, get ready and rush out to see that they made enough for everyone but me (and vision but vision doesn't eat) i let it go and find myself something else. Everything gets worse throughout the day everything that is a mistake today has been all my fault. Also I've been malnourished for quiet a while from not eating enough. I finally snap when its about 9 at night and everyone was making horrible comments like 'he deserves to not have family' or 'he's probably out stealing or beating people up' and much worse. Clint notices the heartbroken look i have on my face i jump down so they know i heard everything then i scream 'i guess what they say that you should never meet your heroes' then i run off into my room and grab the small daggeri have a continue the cuts that go down my arms some as old as 2 years. i hear a gasp and i turn around to see Clint's horrified face as he then rushes to patch my arms and comfort me. Clint asks me why and i tell him everything the team said his face turns dark as he grabs a phone and calls fury. When we come out i learn that everyone has been called into shield for a meeting. 

Time Skip

Clint told fury how the team have been treating me (fury said the team might be like this so to call if it gets to bad) . I turn around to see the group making nasty comments about why i'm here cause the twins, Clint and Natasha are defending me. Everyone argues until Steve's phone rings after a seconds he puts it on speaker and it greets us all with "all of you get your asses here now'' then fury hangs up. Clint winks at me while everyone else glares at me except Natasha and the twins. Clint, Tasha, The twins and i take one car ourselves while the rest figure out their own ride. Pietro and i have become close to Best friends since i joined so we chat the whole way i also tell them that nobody has been letting me eat so Clint swiftly goes and buys me and the rest McDonald's.  We arrive to see everyone arguing on why we were called in. Fury then comes and tells everyone to shut up. He then starts 'Okay i called this meeting because one of the members is being verbally harassed and malnourished by the majority of the team' everyone then starts to mumble about who it could be. Fury then starts again 'Peter do you think you are ready for them to know your story?' he questions. I decide that they can know 'Yeah i think i'm ready' i say shakily with a tear running down my cheek.Wanda immediately runs to me and wraps her arms around my shoulders. Fury then gets up photo's of my tragic life then up on the screen flashes a photo of my parents fury begins 'Peter's parents died when he was only 4 so he doesn't really remember them. their plane came down due to unknown circumstance's' I look around to see looks of sympathy being shot around. Fury then clicks a button and a photo of Aunt may and uncle Ben came up. i let out silent tears as fury continue's 'these are peter's aunt and uncle. 2 years ago his uncle was shot and bled out in peter's arms and last year peter came home to see his aunt dead laying dead in pile of her own blood.' fury takes a breath shoots me a sad look then clicks a picture of Gwen and captain Stacy i can't hold out any longer so i start sobbing silently nobody but my friends( Nat, twins,Clint) noticed fury the speaks 'Captain Stacy died in the lizard attack he died In front of peter. Then we have Gwen Stacy she was peter's best friend and girlfriend, she was trying to help peter while he was being spider-Man but she fell when the bell tower was crashed peter shot a web to catch her but it got her a split second late and her neck was snapped peter held her body until an ambulance came to take the body this happen 5 months before may's death' Everyone in the room but fury looked at me in shock like they couldn't believe how crap my life has been so far. Steve then looks to fury 'Who has been treated so poorly by the team?' he questions. Fury looks quiet annoyed by the teams ignorance to their youngest member he rolls his eye's then answers 'Earlier i got a call saying he walked in on one of the avengers trying to end it so i believe i needed to address this team who are supposedly heroes' everyone except Clint looks horrified that someone would try that fury then glares at them 'how can you call yourself's heroes if you cant even protect your' Sam quietly inquires 'who was it' fury then snaps 'i am apalled that you guys would be so cruel to peter that he thought death was a better option' Everyone silently turns to me. Anger welled inside of me i glared as i spoke 'All you ever do is put me down, you always make enough food for everyone but me, i'm not invited to anything and then last night i was hiding in the vents and heard everything you all said' everyone looked guilty then i decide to let them have it 'you know i thought i had finally found a family,people to care. Ooh you know what happened after last mission nobody but Natasha, Clint and the twins were the only one's to notice my leg and it turns out i'm lucky to still have my leg'  i then got up and ran ignoring everyone's protests

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2018 ⏰

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