Rachel drove me to school. She turned the radio on, and we were singing and dancing in the car, and then she started to ask some questions. "So what do you remember?" Rachel asked. "I remember pretty much everything besides my love life, and some friends." I answered. "Do you remember Billy?" Rachel asked. I hesitated. That question attacked me. His name bothers me. "Umm, yea. But I don't remember anything about him." I said. "Seriously? You were totally in love with h-"  "Let's listen to a different song." I cut Rachel off. I knew she was gonna say I was in love with him. But I don't want to hear that. I don't want to believe that. I belong to John now. 

When we arrived at school, everybody was staring at me. Alot of people came up to me asking if I was ok. I walked to my locker and there was Billy. His locker is three lockers down from mine. He was putting his books away, and when he turned around, he smiled. Woah. There was definitely something stirring up in my stomache. I smiled and shyly waved. He started walking towards me, then a bunch of dudes came over and took him away. When I went to class, I saw that there was a whole lot of balloons and cards and bears all over my desk; and there was huge writing on the board that said, "WE MISSED YOU KELLI!" How sweet. I take one step in the room and a whole bunch of guys come to hug me. I sat down and tried to put some stuff down, and when I was done, I formed a huge circle around me full of balloons and bears. When class was over, I went to the cafeteria to get lunch. Billy was sitting with his friends and then he saw me. He shouted my name across the room and asked me to come over to his table. So I went. And then I saw John. Oh shit. I kept walking, making sure John didn't see me. "Hey Billy." I said. "Hey. So I there's a senior dance, and I was wondering if you would maybe wanted to go with m-" Billy was cut off. There was a arm slung over my shoulder. John. "Hey Kelli." He kissed my cheek and I could tell my cheeks were bright red. "Hey John." I said. "I'm sorry Billy. What were you going to say to Kelli?" John said. Oh he knew. Billy looked so dazed off. He put his hand down and said, "Nevermind. It doesn't matter anyways." I knew he was gonna ask me to the senior dance. To be honest, I knew he was gonna ask me to the dance. And I was kinda looking forward to it. But at the same time, I want to go with John. So it's probably best for me to go with John. School was over and Rachel started driving to the mall.

We finally arrived at the mall and started hunting for my dress. Rachel got distracted by some dude at the pretzel hut, so she just walked away. There were some fans there and they were all so adorably cute. After all the craziness, I walked past a store called, "debshops". My eye twitched when I saw the most perfect dress through the glass. The dress was long and blue, with diamonds stitched for the top half. It was perfect. Until I saw Stella purchasing the same dress. She turned around and saw me then waved. I waved back. Woud it be rude if I just walked away? Or shoud I go in? I have to look for a dress anyways. I went in, and Stella rushed to me and gave me a hug. "Hey girl!" Stella said, loudly. "Hey Stella. I see you're getting a dress for the dance." I said. "I am! Are you?" "Yea. I haven't found the dress yet." I lied. Stella is holding the dress that I want. "Well I hope you find the dress! Oh! Wait, I have a question. Do you know if Billy has a date to the dance?" Stella said. Ummm yea.. he does. Me. Oh wait. "No, I don't think so." I said. "Really? Good. I went off on him the other night, and I feel really bad because I want to dance with him." She went on but I wasn't listening. Only because behind her, was the most beautiful dress I've ever seen. It was a long creamed color dress with diamonds patched on to the shouders. It was perfect. That was my dress. And I will not let anyone take it. "How do you think I should apologize. Kelli?" "Um what? Sorry, my mind was shut off for a second." I lied. My mind was shut off for like five minutes. "I said how do you think I should apologize?" Stella said. "Oh, um, I don't know. Just tell him you were wrong and that yo-" Stella interrupted me and said, "But I'm not. He attacked John for no reason. You know what, maybe I won't apologize. He did something wrong, and an innocent person like me, shouldn't go out with a delinquent like him." WHAT?!? Did she just call Billy a delinquent? My mouth opened and I was about the speak, but then she just walked away. Rude. Anyways, I walked towards the dress and started scanning it with my hands. I could tell the expression on my face looks like I just walked into Candy Land. I couldn't help it. It was perfect. So I bought it. It was really expensive. I mean 200 dollars on a dress I'm only gonna wear once? Actually 250 dollars because there was matching shoes and it was 50 dollars sooooo.... But since I'm rich (not to sound vain or anything. I mean, I'm an actress sooo..whattareyagonnado?) I bought it anyways. When I walked out of the store, there was paparazzi. And then I saw Rachel storming through them and grabbed my arm. She helped get me out of the crowd. "So you find your dress yet?" She asked. "Yep." I said. 

Hey guys! I'm sorry it took me like a billion years to update, but I have school now. Ew. And I also apologize that this chapter was kind of boring. But I promise you, it's gonna get better. I promise. I PROMISE.

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