Chapter 1 Ella

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Chapter 1 Ella It's been two year's since Tessa had the twins. Her belly was already swollen with another baby. The excitement was overwhelming but in a good way. She would find out the baby's sex soon. As the soon to be auntie to another sweet little angel. You could say happiness bubbles with in. I love both my niece and nephew and I cant wait for another. They filled my life with joy. After losing both my parents and all our uncles in the massacre four years ago. Family has been. Well lacking. Adien had to take over the club at seventeen. There were a few veterans left after the massacre. But they can run the club. Only the legacy can. Hence Adien, Brandon, Jesses, and Jace. Adien not only took over running the club. He also took on the responsibility of taking care of me. Even though he was only a few minutes older then me. He took the role seriously. After a while I had grown tired of waiting for Brandon to make a move. A move he never seemed to want to make. Yet he laid clam in small subtle ways. Constantly Jace and I have been thrown together. It never showed that it bothered him to be stuck on babysitting duty. He never made me feel unwanted or like a burden. The more time I spend with him. The more I want him. His cold personality shouldn't be a turn on. But it is. It both excites and terrifies me. I've sat back and watched Brandon whore his way through the club whores. Never seeming to care I was watching. He thinks he's god's gift to woman and he shows it daily. Whatever feeling my heart may have held for him had died. It died a painful death. A death at the hands of Brandon himself. I had believed for a while I must have read the signs wrong. That Brandon didn't really want me. The closer I get to Jace. The more snarly Brandon becomes. He watches my every move. When I feel his eyes on me I feel nothing. When Jace watches me it feels like a dark hot caress. It feels like a physical touch. My heart beats faster, My hands get clammy, and my panties get wet. All I can think about is how it would feel to have him. For him to be naked and inside me. I haven't seen Jace with the club whores. At least not in a long time. I don't believe for one minute that he's celibate. All that raw masculinity would be hard to contain. It's hard to resist. There's a hunger inside me. I think only he can quench it. I watch him now. As he sits and talks to my brother. Kevin and his club was suppose to be over later for a club party. Brandon is sitting at the bar staring in my direction. The look of hunger in his eyes does nothing for me. Turning back to Jace. I give a small sigh. I wish he would give me a sign. Something. Anything saying he wants me too. As if feel my eyes on him Jace raises his head. His eyes connect with mine and stay there. A thrill runs down my spine. Tessa drops into the chair across from me. Her small baby bump prominent as he shirt stretches over it. "God save me from over protective men." Tessa groans. I look over and Adien was watching her like a hawk. His eyes shift to me. The look there says we need to talk. Then his eyes are back to Tessa. Jace lets off a small laugh. My body tenses with want. A shiver of desire runs up and down my body. Oh how I want him. My eyes keep straying his way. I cant seem to help my self. "Ella. ELLA." Tessa sing songs in a loud voice. I quickly focus on her. I didn't want him to now I was eye raping him again. "Still have feelings for Jace I see." She states. Not a question. But an observation. I let out a long sigh. Tessa was my best friend and I tell her everything. But sometimes I want to slap a hand over her mouth. I didn't want anyone to know how I felt. Looking around I realized I was a little more obvious about it then I thought. Everyone was looking elsewhere. There bodys say it all. I feel eyes on me. Two, no three different sets of eyes. I look over at Brandon. Hes glaring at me. I think he thought I would want him forever. My heart couldn't take anymore abuse at his hands. His uncaring for my feelings told me how he really felt. I look over to were Jace was sitting. Both him and Adien were looking at me. Adien had a look of brotherly concern. Jace. Well Jace was looking at me with a flicker of heat in his eyes. That was the first real sign hes given me. The first sign that he wants me. I guess it could be considered the second. He hasn't flaunted any whores in my face. Either hes being discrete or hes not doing it at all. I hope for the later. But the former I could live with. I think. I guess as long as I don't know. Fuck the thought has me wanting to go find who ever he's fucking and rip her hair out until shes bald. "Ella?" Tessa says again. I turn my attention back to her. She has the good graces to look a little ashamed. "It's okay Tessa. How are you feeling?" I ask her. I should have spoken up sooner. She sat there worried I was mad at her. That's not good for her or the baby. She blesses me with a beautiful smile. "Getting bigger every day. I would think there are two in there. If not for the ultra sound say other wise. I'm getting huge." she says with a laugh. I feel a smile spread on my face. I want what she has. I want Jace and I want babies. Watching Tessa and Adien has this ache forming in my belly. I guess I need to get the guy first. Babies will come later. I hope. My eyes stray back over Jace. I can't help myself. He just that good looking. Who am I kidding he's fucking hot. Dark brown hair almost black, dark green eyes, six feet three inches of solid muscle. Muscle I want to run my tongue all over. My body breaks out in a light sweat. Just the thought of touching all that skin. Feeling his arms around my body. I picture his lips working there way down my neck. Little love bites here and there. I let out a groan loud enough to have the whole room looking at me. My face heats. Embarrassment washes over me. Tessa lets out a laugh. The bitch. I turn and glare at her. I open my mouth to give her shit. When a hand slams down onto the table in front of me. Effectively putting space between Tessa and I. I look at the hand and slowly follow it back up to its owner. Brandon's face and pulled into a snarl. "What the fuck Ella?" he says angrily. The stench of alcohol on his breath was almost enough to get me drunk. I just look at him. Refusing to respond to his bullshit. Tessa has no such problem. "What the fuck Brandon? Get your fucking arm out of my way." she growls lowly at him. "Stay the fuck out of this Tessa. It's none of your business." he says quietly. Anger washes over me. "Go away Brandon. I have no idea what the fuck crawled up your ass. Please go pull that shit out." I snarl back at him. "Come on Ella. You know you want me baby." he whispers leaning in close. My hand shoots out and pushes him back slightly. "Go sleep it off Brandon. Or go find a whore to work it out on." I say quietly. I feel nothing when those words come out. Nothing. Not even a twinge in my heart. "I'm ready to be together Ella. I thought you wanted me to." he says a little louder then I did. "Brandon whatever we had between us died a slow painful death. You did that. You killed anything I felt for you." I say firmly. A look of sadness washes over his face. "That's not true Ella. You don't really mean that." his words are sad. A year ago I would have tried to make him feel better. I would have been thrilled to hear the words that he was ready for me. For us. Not now though. I don't think anything will change it at this point. Jace is standing right behind Brandon. His face awash in anger. A scary sight. Instead of fear desire runs through me. Adien is on his other side. Between him and Tessa. I look over at Tessa. Her face is screwed up in a mixture of pity and anger. I look back over at Jace. His eyes meet mine. The darkness that always lurks just below the surface has rising into his eyes. Brandon follows my line of sight. Having to turn around. He straightens. Looking at Jace. "You can't have her shes mine." he spits out. "I'm pretty sure she needs to be on board with that clam." His voice was deadly. "You want him Ella?" he asks me in a deadly claim voice. I look him in the eye. "No Jace. I want someone else." I say boldly. His eyes flare with heat. "Go sleep it off Brandon." Adien says quietly. Brandon looks at him. He just nods his head and stumbles off into the back rooms. I look back at Adien and give him a smile of gratitude. "We need to talk Ella." Is all he says. Getting up I follow my brother down the hall. Mitchell and Clara run out of the little play room my brother had set up for them when they started to crawl. "Whoa. Slow it down." my brother says through a chuckle. I smile as they run past me. We continue to my brothers office. Closing the door behind us he goes and sits behind the desk. He lets out a big sigh. "Sit down Ella," he says gently. I walk over to a chair and flop down into it with a sigh of relief. "Adien?" I ask. "Whats going on Ella? I thought you wanted to be with Brandon?" he asks bluntly. "I did want Brandon. I loved him. Key word here Adien. Loved him. As in past tense. I watched him go through whore after whore. The pain was to much." my voice tinged with sadness. Not because I still had any lingering feelings for him. Just all that heart break. Sometimes it still gets to me. "He broke my heart. Do you really think I should be with someone who didn't care about my feelings?" I ask him quietly. Not that I would even if he asked me to. That ship sailed a long time ago. "No. No Ella. I don't think you should be with someone who didn't put you first." he pause's briefly. "But I hope you know what your doing with Jace. Hes a cold man. I respect him. Brandon is not going to let this go either." he finishes on a deep sigh. "I know what I'm doing Adien. The things I feel for Jace are overwhelming in their ferocity. We have spent so much time together. I know him. Despite that I want all of him." I say firmly. "As for Brandon. He had his chance. There's no going back. No changing the past." I say in a strong voice. I mean every word. He looks at me with understanding eyes. "If this is what you want. I can think of no other better for you then my vp he will take good care of you." he says with this air of finality. My heart beats faster in my chest. We just got his approval. As weird as it sounds I really needed to hear that. Now all I need to do is I get Jace on board. I look at my brother and give him a big smile. "I love you. You know that right?" I ask. I already know the answer but that doesn't stop me from asking him. "I love you to El." he says in a loving voice. We both stand and make our way back out into the main room. Adien gives Jace a slight head nod. Then he's whisking Tessa away. She just laughs as he all but drags her down the hall to his office. Sitting in the chair Tessa just vacated I look around. Hoping to catch a glimpse of Jace. Then he's there standing right next to me. Jace places his hand on the table as he sits down across from me. I look at the strong hand with Hate tattooed on his knuckles. I wonder how many other tattoo's he has. And where there located. With that thought. Comes the one. That in order to find out I need to strip him bare. With that thought I start to think of all the things I want to do to him once we get there. A moan tries to escape. I swallow it back. Finally I look up at him. He's watching me intently. The heat in his eyes let's me know. He knows what I was thinking. "Ella." his voice was deep. So fucking hot. My panties almost combusted. Right there. Just from his the sound of his voice. "Jace." I reply "We need to talk. Privately." his voice went deeper there at the last part. I give him a nod and stand up. He also stands up. Following his lead we make our way to his room. He pause and looks back at me as he opens the door. As if to question if this was okay. I give him another nod. He pushes the door all the way open. He steps aside to allow me in first. Such a gentleman. I snort at that last part. He looks at me in question. I guess I made that noise out loud. Instead of responding. I give him a big smile. Looking around I take in the gray walls, the black dresser, the two matching end tables, the fifty five inch tv hanging on the wall, the door that leads to the bathroom, and finally the king sized bed, covered in a black, gray and blue quilt. Looking at that bed I picture all the things I want to do to him. All the things I want him to do to me. I feel a shiver of desire run the length of my body. My panties get soaked. "Are you cold?" he ask quietly. I turn and look at him. "No" I say with a smile. I just want you. I want to add. But I'm to much of a coward. His smile is my reward. It's a big reward. Considering he never smiles. "You should smile more." the words pop out before I can stop them. I fear his smile will disappear. Thank god it only gets bigger. 

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