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I shifted to step in front of the boy I had taken as my brother. He shivered, and I felt such love for him, and knew I would do what it took to protect the child. 

I turned my head to face the Soldier who stood not ten feet away. He was shaking, and I understood how he felt. He didn't want to kill me, but would do what it took to keep his job.

" I'm sorry. I wish I didn't have to kill you. But I have one bullet left. And I shall protect my king."

He lifted his rifle.

 I heard my name and a gunshot together. 

I felt my body being shoved aside as the bullet hit my savior directly in the stomach. I was too shocked to understand what had just happened, and that my life had been spared and exchanged. My savior turned to me with a look of serenity.

" are you alright?"

I felt my head nod shakily without command. Everything became a blur as the soldier turned to run and make his escape.

 I looked back at my rescuer and realized with growing horror that he had just been shot, and was going to die. I muttered a small, "no." As he fell to the ground with a grunt of pain. I had just killed my best friend.

Since this is a prologue, it's just a bit of foreshadowing. The rest of the story will be quite different, pray better, and I hope you'll enjoy this story.

Good writings, Pips!

The Bored Writer 

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