Chapter Four

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"It would appear that we do, Victoria." Roy said as he stands just a few feet in front of me. I smirk and give a soft chuckle, sitting down on the stage. "Six years its been, and you haven't changed one bit, Roy." He furrows his brows and sits beside me on the stage, staring at the ground. "I can't say the same about you."

"No, you can't." I slide my gloves off, staring at my automail. "You lost two limbs, and you nearly died." His voice quivers, causing me to look at him. He stares at the ground, jaw clenched and fists balled tightly. "You can't blame yourself for what happened, Roy. It was my own doing that caused this to happen."

"It is my fa-" the doors of the hall slammed open and we both look up. Alex stares at as, huffing to catch his breath. "Victoria, Roy, come quickly."


There is a man targeting State Alchemists who took part in the Ishvalan Civil War. Last night, another life was taken, someone who I fought side by side with. Basque Grand, otherwise known as the Iron Blood Alchemist. It seemed like he put up a good fight, but he was taken down. I couldn't look at his body, but he death was horrible.

Currently, I stand in Roy's office, speaking with Riza. It has been such a long time since I seen her. "Sheesh. The Colonel is sure letting his work pile up again, huh?" I hear Breda say, I chuckle and all of his men turn and look at me. "He has always been that way, anyhow, I will talk with you later, Riza. I need to speak with your beloved Colonel." She gave me curt nod and I turned on my heel, walking into Roys office. 

He sits at his desk, staring out the window. "Roy, are you alright?" I say softly, and my voice makes his jump, pulling him out of whatever trance he was in. "General, I had no idea you were here." His dull tone startles me as he spins around in his chair to look at me. So we are keeping this formal. I place my hands behind my back and look down at him, "yes, I was speaking with one of your subordinates and decided to pay you a visit."

The door opens behind me and I turn, but soon I freeze looking at the two faces that walk through the door. Edward and Alphonse Elric. I was in Resembool when they tried to bring back their mother. I helped bury that vile creature.

I haven't seen them since they left and judging by their faces they never expected to see me, not here. "M-Miss Coolridge?" I turn to face them fully and smile, tilting my head to the side. Roy can't know that I know them outside of these walls. There are things about myself that I have not told him that the boys know about, like committing the ultimate taboo.

"Ah! You must be Edward and Alphonse Elric! It's a pleasure to finally meet you!" They both stare at me with looks of confusion for a moment, but soon seem to catch on. "It's a pleasure to meet you too! We had heard that the distinguished Elemetal Alchemist had returned after six of being missing, we just didn't know if it was true. I mean, you are amazing!" "Is it true that you have three automail limbs?" "Can you show us your alchemy?" "Can you-" Roy stands up, slamming his hands on his desk. "That's enough, Elrics. Sit down, we have business to discuss." Edward groans and sits down beside Alphonse on the couch, and I sit on the other. 

"Well done on the Liore case you two. Nice work. I appreciate you resolving the matter." "No big deal, it's not like we did it for you." "Right. The Philosophers Stone, another false lead?" Edward and Roy hold a gaze before sitting back in his chair and sighing. "Yeah, after all that the stone was a fake.Even so, the power it gave Cornello was real enough."

"He transmuted this huge Chimera right in front of us." "I still wonder how he used the Stone to do something like that. I'm not familiar with the field of bioalchemy enough to understand it." "Yeah, I'm kinda curious about that too-" Edward turns his head to Alphonse for confirmation. "It might be worth looking into. Who knows, we might find something that could help get our bodies back." I stiffen at his words and look down as Roys eyes find their way to me.

I look up, regaining my composure, and glance at Roy. "If might help if you consulted a specialist." The two boys look at me confused, causing Roy to speak up. "The Sewing Life Alchemist, Shou Tucker. He's done some heavy research into Chimera transmutation. I'll introduce you."

Edward looks at Roy in shock, "You would do that for us?" "Ok! What's the catch?! You want something don't you!" Roy slams his hands on his desk and look at Edward with a scowl "Don't doubt my motives! I'm trying to repay your for your work on the Liore case! Doing you a favor is better than being indebted to you."

His brutality towards the boys in unsettling, and it pains me to see just how sour Roy has become since the last time I seen him. I stand from my seat and look between Roy and the Elrics, "I wish you the best of luck, Elrics." I turn on my heel and walk out of his office, my hands placed tightly behind my back. I walk through the maze that is Eastern HQ, making my way back to my own office. 


During my six year absence, I had plenty of time to think. Think about the long nights that Roy and I spent together, talking and so much more. Perhaps we sought out to each other for company, thanks to the loneliness of the battlefield. The separation of the Alchemist camps from the non alchemist soliders kept Roy from seeking the pleasure and company of a woman other than myself. But our relationship was more than just long nights spent in each others tents. 

We spent hours talking about our lives, getting to know each other. But there was always one secret that I kept from Roy, and that was the truth behind my automail leg, or the one automail leg that I had at that time. Before I joined and became a dog of the military as the first female state alchemist, I had a child.

I lived in a small village, a poor village where I worked as a maid for the richest family that lived there. One night, the eldest child of the masters came home drunk, and took advantage of me. Nine months later, my child came into the world. 

She was beautiful, and I loved her with my all despite the reason that she came into the world. But she was ripped out of my life as fast as she came into it. Riots broke out in the village, and the villagers came to the mansion, burning it down.

I remembers running through the smoke filled house, trying to get to my daughters room. But as I opened the door the timber fell on top of her crib. Before I could run in to get her, I was grabbed by one of the other servants and dragged out of the mansion. 

After that night, I trained. I spent two years learning alchemy, living in the mountains. And in those mountains, I committed the ultimate taboo. I paid the price, I remember laying on the ground in the pool of my own blood, staring at the creature that I transmuted. It wasn't my daughter, it couldn't have been.

From that day forward I went to Rush Valley, and I was fitted with an automail leg. And in a years time I trained my body to the breaking point, taking my skill and alchemy to the feet of King Bradley, getting my title as the Elemetal Alchemist. I moved from there to the Academy, where I met Roy and Maes. We were known as the inseparable trio.

When we were faced against the Ishvalan alchemist, the memory of how I couldn't save my daughter was brought to the front of my mind. Which is what caused me to throw myself at the Ishvalan, I had to protect Roy and my fellow men. 

I fell in love with Roy, and I knew that if I didn't do what I did, I would've lost him. I wouldn't have been able to live with myself if I survived and he died. So in the moments that I threw up those two ice walls, and when my wall collapsed,  I smiled to myself. Because in those moments I knew that even if I lost my life, I would've saved Roy.

I don't know if I will ever be able to get my leg back, but I do know that I saved lives in the midst of all that destruction. 

I will remain strong, and I will protect my fellow men with my all.

Even if it kills me.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2018 ⏰

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