Chapter Two

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Two young adults intertwined with each other, laid on the big bed without a care in the world.

The young female laid on her side with her leg on on the other males torso, his arms were wrapped around her. Arya's head laid against his chest, Lucifer's head perched upon hers. The sun was rising, the seasons were changing into summer. Spring was warm but still had a little nip in the air on some days. When spring went into summer, it was one of the most beautiful sights a person can see. All the flowers were bloomed, the grass was green and had a lushness to it. Purples, pinks, oranges, yellows, filled the sky at dawn and dusk, and during the day the sky was a ocean blue. The world that they lived in was a pretty one, and nobody could disagree.

The wild flowers outside of their hidden cabin looked beautiful. Only, if they weren't in the middle of getting trampled by men.

Seven, no nine. Nine men stood outside of the tiny house, among with three crouched down wolves in the tall grass. Every eye darted to the man who stood behind the tree closest to to the building, awaiting his signal. His fingers leeched out in a form of a gun, and they all barricaded through the wooden door making it splinter off its hinges.

Only there wasn't anybody there.

The window over the bed was opened, their scent still in the wind. The commander growled, and picked up an article of clothing by a door that led to a bathroom

He inhaled it deeply, the long black silk smelled of honey and vanilla. He knew there was a male here, males give off a more potent scent then females unless they're in heat, which luckily this female isn't.

"Find them, but bring them to me alive!" He hollered as few men shifted and took off, everybody else following them closely. The man in charge had a mission and if he didn't succeed, he'd surely be deranked and humiliated in front of everyone in the games. His head snapped to the right, he inhaled deeply, a evil smirk spread across his lips, then he darted into the trees.

They were running. Their legs carried them swiftly, jumping over every fallen tree and every vine- it was like nature was on their side. The couple heard the loud pants of those mangy dogs chasing them, causing them to run faster. Only if one of them had better health, maybe they could of made it. 

Arya's body crashed to the forest floor as a huge form toppled her over. Her body skidded and made impact to a nearby fallen tree as she quickly got up and snarled at her attacker. Her male companion quickly accompanied her, and there they stood- side by side, ready to die for the other one.

"Well, well. Why are you pups running?" A voice called out, getting closer as he made his way into the scene. Brown wavy hair pulled back into a bun with stunning green eyes, focused on the pair in front.

He eyed the woman first naturally and he had to admit, she was stunning even if she was baring her teeth. All she wore was an oversized shirt that went down to her knees that was covered in the other males scent. He looked at her neck, which to his delight held no mark. He knew that she didn't because bitches smell differently when they were claimed, but he had to make sure. Her long legs were very tempting but at least he knew when to stop his intentions unlike others. There's no harm in looking as long as you don't act upon your desires, is what his father taught him when he was a young pup.

His eyes darted to the male who was eerily calm, but moved closer to the female every now and again. His eyes were penetrating his own, a bold move which meant to challenge another one.

"When someone is chased, they run. Especially when they aren't dumb enough to try to fight 12 lowly wolves." Arya snapped out, gaining some growls of anger among the canines that thought they could so easily rip her apart. The man cocked his eyebrow, surprised she wasn't like most females who begged for their lives when met with such a sight. Or spread their legs.

"My name is Jacks, Commander of the Rogue Search Unit. You are hereby arrested on account of territorial trespassing and disrespect to higher ranking then yours." He announced, his unit slowly creeping forward, ready to spring into action if these traitors were to resist.

"Now come with us and do not resist, or we will bring you by force," Jacks stated, watching their reactions closely to see if they would fight or not.

Arya looked at Lucifer, unconsciously moving closer to him as he looked back at her. They both nodded in a silent agreement and in a flash, they moved to the closest wolf.

Before anybody could blink, Lucifer had the wolf by its throat up in the air. Arya came fast, using Lucifer's shoulders as momentum, sprung herself off of them and  straight to the wolf's head. With one hand on the closed snout and the other on the back of the wolf's head, she twisted and was satisfied when she heard a nasty crack.

Lucifer dropped the wolf that was now shifting back to human form and laid there unconscious in front of everybody. Snapping a werewolf's neck does not kill them, all it does is knocks their wolf and human unconscious which puts them back into a human state, leaving them vulnerable.

Just then, all the wolves and warriors that were in human form, charged. Many punches, dodges, and snapping of jaws was heard for miles. The birds no longer chirped, their song was long gone. The grass was no longer held the green lushness, instead was stained with red blood splatter. The smell of copper was in the air, not the freshness of the outdoors. The only thing that remained the same was the sky. Light blue from the morning sun, not a cloud in sight.

An hour went by, and Jacks finally had what he needed. He won. Two of his comrades littered the ground, blood coming from their mouths as their eyes glazed over. Jacks was furious, furious that two men captained by him had died, and that he couldn't kill the ones who did it. He looked over at the ones who are now held responsible for the deaths of his friends.

The man stood passive, blood coming out from the bite marks on his body along with tissue coming out in chunks. His wrist was at a unnatural angle and he was behind held by two wolves. One was still in wolf form, standing to the left of him so he wouldn't try anything and the other one stood behind him, with the man in a chokehold.

The woman had both of her arms behind her back, blood covering her whole shirt and bite marks seen visibly on her right leg and shoulder. There were two long scratches on the side of her face, one that went from her temple and curved to her under eye in a shape of a 'C'. The other one went through her eyebrow and down her eyelid, and stopped about an inch underneath her eye.

They both would need treatment, but one thing that Jacks couldn't wrap around his head was why they stood there or how they were able to stand. He knew they were in immense pain, with the woman's eye screw shut and the labored breathing coming from both of them.

"You guys are charged with the murder of Winston Seal, and Ryan Vadmer. You will be presented to the council at the games where your fate will be decided." Jacks spoke, moving his blood stained hair out of his face. He nodded his head to his members, and they both snapped the now, prisoners neck. They fell to the floor in a heap, laying next to each other like they didn't have wounds that needed extensive medical treatment. Shackles were put on their wrists and ankles, and they would be dragged by their chains until they woke up.

Jacks didn't care if their wounds got infected, hell, he would rather enjoy that. He looked at the man who killed one of his wolves. He put up a good fight, Jack's had to admit, but he wasn't worth anything anymore. If he wasn't put to death, which would be the most likely outcome, he would be made to work for the rest of his life. Now the girl, he thought looking over to her, since she's pretty, she would most likely work to please patrons he thought disgustingly.

Jacks grunted, displeased with the outcome of his expedition. He was scared to go back to meet the faces of the council but there was someone he was even more scared of seeing. The Alpha.

Heyyy guysss, we're finally going to be getting into the good and juicy parts soon!!! Thank you for reading!!

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