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Hello, children. Papa Rei is back with another book to help YOU with YOUR books. This time, it's with the title.

Sometimes, the struggle is with writing a great book and having absolutely no clue what to call it. Sometimes you need inspiration for your next novel and hey, why not base it around the title?

Long story short, my goal here is to throw a bunch of names at a wall and hope you guys find what you need. Without further ado, let's get onto the rules.

1. If you take one, let me know in pm/dm so I can see what you do with it.

That's literally it. I just want to help you guys out as much as possible. Because of this, there might be some repeats of titles, but have you been on Wattpad? The amount of books with the same title is absurd. Just let me know if you use it and we're chill.

Now, onto the titles. Enjoy.
-Papa Rei

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