More Husbandos! Pt 2

Start from the beginning

You grabbed one of the crates tops and easily ripping it off. You threw the wood top off and search the contents. You pulled out rolls of huge papers and open one roll of paper. You saw it was blueprints for some creature. You skim the page and saw one word appear frequently.

“Artificial Humans…. Nomus…”

This blueprint is based off the idea you suggest to your lover, to put use those brain damaged puppets to good use. You look through the others to see it was plans to build a facility to experiment on these Nomus. You summon bats to take these back to your lover as you search through the other crates.


Illegal goods.

And lastly money.

For a group of cowards they stole decent amount to make huge profits on the Black Market. Too bad you came in and kill them before they bathe in riches. As you handed the last sack of money to your bats, you sense someone was in the warehouse. Your eyes glowed red. “Another pest to deal with…,” You turn to your bats. “Take these to Junichiro immediately.” The furry creatures eye glowed red before flying off. You turn and walk back to the front of the warehouse using the shadows to hide yourself.

You jump to the ceiling and went to the front where you saw a young man. He has short spiky grey hair, and a rather bulky build. As you crawl closer saw has red eyes and two prominent lower canine teeth, which appear even when he mouth is closed. The new prey saw and inspected the bodies, you already like his cool demeanor. Most heroes will panicked a bit or are shocked giving you time to kill them.

The man had a red suit with a V-shape opening showing his chest. You also saw the man had a tube from his back to his glove. You grew curious about him.

The man inspected the mutilated faces of the wanted criminals the police been looking for, but someone got to them before he can. He saw the bites marks and scratches, he knew it was from some animal. He had a suspect in mind, since these criminals were said to be working for a powerful villain and that villain usually sends two people to do his dirty work.

He stand up and look around. “Alright I know you're still here. Bloody mutilated bodies are either the Beastly Lord: Daucral or the Vampiric Queen: Carmilla M.O. but these looks like a small creature so that must be you...Carmilla.”

You smirk impressed by this prey’s smartness. You jump down and landed in front of him. “Oh my how did know it was me?” The man jumps back ready to defend himself saw it was a very beautiful young woman.

She had a red chest piece armor that was red with gold accents, the piece was tied together with stings making it very revealing showing off her breasts and tone abdomen. She had tight black pants with some golden spiral around her right leg, with a red belt. Long black fingerless with red beaded bracelets. Long black scarf wrapped around her neck as huge bat like wings extend out a bit. In all she's terrifying beautiful.

 In all she's terrifying beautiful

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