The suppernatural arranged marrige 1

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Supernatural aranged marrige

It was July 12 my 17 birthday I was walking home from my best friend Zoeys place.

When I got home my mom came and said " I need to talk to you" I went in the living room where my mother went.

I asked "what's up?" My mother then said " your a werewolf and the next full moon you will change for the first time "

I was so excited but the next thing my mother said made me angry "and your aranged to marry the alpahs son and your moving in with him and his sister tomorrow morning"

I was shocked my mother would do this to me not only did I have an aranged marrige but I had to leave my home and all my friends.

Angie (Roxis mom) P.O.V

I was so worriod about how Roxi would react to being a werewolf and having a aranged marrige she seemed to take being a werewolf well she even looked excited but she just sat there shocked when I told her she was marrying the alphas

son and I got really worried.

Roxi P.O.V

I sat there shocked that my mom would do this then she was penatrating my thoughts " honey are you ok" "honey?" I snapped out of my thought "I'm fine I'm gonna go to bed love you"

"i love you too sweetheart" I hugged and ran up to my bedroom and just went to bed

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