
I woke up to my alarm going off we all had to wake up at 5:30 in the morning to get ready and get to the airport so I got up and put the things I left out in my carry on and the rest in my 2 suit cases I made sure I had everything of mine as well as Auden's and went to the living room where everyone was

"Let's go home guys" I said and we all packed up the car and drove to the airport

Once we got there we went through security and everything and waited as flights were called

*1 hour later*

"Flight 248 to Sydney Australia is now boarding Flight 248 to Sydney Australia is now borading" the flight attendant said over the p.a.

"That's us guys let's go" I said and we all walked to our plane and got on and seated and soon the plane took off

*15 hours later*

"We will be landing in Sydney Australia in 10 minutes please fasten you seat belts hope you've had a nice flight" a lady said over the speaker

"Guys were landing wake up" I said to Tay, Riss and stacey

-after landing it's 3:45 pm in Australia-

"Okay let's get off this plane" Stacey said

We walked off the plane and got our bags as we were walking I seen Luke and he seen me but I didn't see the others yet I dropped my bags and ran to Luke and he ran to me and Auden

"Oh my god Luke I've missed you so much" I said as I started crying he hugged me and picked me up and spun me around I had a weird feeling in my stomach as soon as he hugged me and I felt sparks I didn't care though I was happy to be with my best friend again

"I've missed you to May I can't believe your actually here oh my god don't ever leave me again and oh my god Auden you've grown so much your so big now buddy you guys don't ever leave me again" Luke said as he wiped my tears and took Auden I look behind me and seen Riss and Mikey hugging, Stacey and Ashton hugging, and Cal and Tay hugging

"I won't" I said as we walked to get my bags Luke took them from me of course

"Minnie May" ash said as he hugged me

"Umm can't breath poobear" I said

"Oh sorry so mum went into early labor and guess what we have a little sister and brother Lauren and Harry are so happy and the babies names are Angel and Jayden Audi how's my favourite nephew " ash said

"Oh my god really yay" I said and hugged my brother again

"Yeah Lauren and Harry are here to see" ash said and I felt two people Hug me

"Hey guys I've missed you have you been good for mum and ash" I asked my sister and brother

"Yes we have I'm so happy you and Audi are back" Harry said

"Me to" Lauren said

"Well We love you guys too" I said

"Okay okay no need to bombard my Mayc and my Audi" Luke said and pulled me to him

"Awe someone's got a crush on Little Penguin isn't that right lukey" calum said

"Oh shush panda bear" I said and stuck my tongue out at him

"Fine only if I get a hug from the little penguin" calum said and I hugged him and then I hugged Mikey

So after that we left the airport and went to the house that we are calling the 5SOS house I went into my bedroom and unpacked my suitcases after I was done I went to Auden's room and unpacked him i then went out to the living room and seen Luke sitting on the couch with his guitar

13 Hours Ahead In Australia || 5SOSWhere stories live. Discover now