The Fateful Battle, A Saiyan's True Strength?

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The sounds of distant shockwaves echo throughout the planet from the power demonstrated by two people fighting in an ever growing crater. Each blow being matched and neither side even going at full strength. One of these two is the 'hero' of this tale. His name is Kuro and his body is burning with the primal power of a Saiyan warrior, his hair black as night keeps standing up part way before falling back down to normal. "You've gone too far Mira!! I don't care about the balance of the universe anymore!! You have killed endlessly and then just gone back in time to do it again and again!! Guess what!? NOT THIS TIME!!" Kuro screams as he relentlessly attacks Mira breaking down his armor and actually causing Mira to bleed. "I am the King! You cannot beat me! Not even Goku could defeat me! You're too we- ACK!!" Mira doesn't finish his monologue before Kuro slams his fist into his gut followed Kamehameha to the face. Kuro walks through the smoke and flames of the destroyed city and almost growls out. "Your reign is over Mira!! I'll kill you and make sure this never happens! In this timeline or any other!!" Mira growls and charges at Kuro slamming him into the earth and unleashing devastating blow after devastating blow to Kuro's face making the whole planet shake. "You're nothing but a pathetic Mortal!" Mira screams as he's about to finish Kuro but a rock smacking Mira in the back of the head makes his turn. Standing there is a young boy resembling Kuro but with snow white hair and tears in his sea green eyes. "Leave my daddy alone!! You put my mommy to sleep!" The boy throws another rock at Mira and it hits him in the face his burning rage turning to the boy. "YOU LITTLE BRAT!! YOU'LL BE WITH YOUR MOTHER SOON ENOUGH!!" Mira shouts as he charges at the boy with a fist charged with an abundance of ki energy. "No!! Jacob Run!! Mira leave him alone!!" Kuro screams as he struggled to stand up. As Kuro tries his hardest to stand upright Mira grabs young Jacob by the shirt and smirks. "A child eh? How about you go see your precious mother... In Hell!!" Mira blast Jacob through the chest and out the back before throwing his bleeding body away. "Now where were we pathetic saiyan?" Mira says in an amused tone but when he turns around he sees Kuro there tears running down his face before letting out the heartbroken roar of a parent who has lost a child. Suddenly there's an explosion of power and electricity that could be felt by survivors on multiple planets in the solar system. Kuro glares at Mira still crying and his body surrounded by a golden aura with sparks of electricity. His hair now extremely spiked up and yellow. "You will pay... YOU WILL PAY WITH YOUR LIFE!!" Kuro charges at Mira with speed undetectable by even the most trained eye, His strikes stronger by a hundred-fold. Kuro keeps attacking with every ounce of power slowly wearing Mira down with the rage and power of a true Saiyan warrior. Suddenly Mira punches Kuro away and snaps his fingers creating a portal behind Kuro which he falls through and with a flash of bright light the last hope for the survivors of Mira's reign of terror is gone leaving everyone at the mercy of the Demon King.

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