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Hungry. That's what I am, which is why I am walking on the street, because I wanted to get a slice of pizza from our local pizzeria.

When I'm hungry I often forget things, so instead of being at a pizzeria like I originally planned when I left the house, I'm in an alley.

I must've been too busy trying to remember what the hell I was doing and ended up wandering off.

"This doesn't look familiar." I say to myself.

I pull out my phone, hoping my phone can show me where to go so I can leave, but as I'm opening up my settings app, I hear some sort of muffled voice from behind a few dumpsters ahead.

"Shhh, no one can hear you. It's not worth it." Another voice, a male.

"What the fuck?" Was the first thing to pop up to mind.

As I'm getting near the voices, I stop.

What am I doing? I watch Criminal Minds, and Law & Order. Trying to find what those voices are is a death wish.

Besides, who could be doing anything good in an alley? Nothing good ever happens in an alley.

The only thing that could would be drug dealing, a prostitute with her client, or—


Okay, yeah no. Bye I'm taking my sonic looking ass out of here.

But of course I had to step on a fucking water bottle and make a loud ass noise.

I stopped dead in my tracks instead of running.

I slowly turned around to find myself face to face to a white boy with light brown curly hair and light brown eyes.

My eyes looked down to his hands, where he was holding a gun.

"I'm- I'm sorry, I'll leave and I won't- I won't tell anyone." I said backing away slowly.

The boy, who looked about my age, 15, just stared at me, so intense I stopped walking.

He looked down, and pointed the gun down, where I saw a boy, with duct tape over his mouth, crying, and shaking his head.

Then he shot.

The boy put his gun inside a bad he had wrapped around his shoulder and looked back at me, who's mouth was basically sewn shut, and my eyes were wide.

     "What's your name?" The boy asked.

     "Y/N." I managed to choke out.
He nodded his head.

     "And you? What's your name?" I asked, still shaking.

     "Stay quiet about this Y/N." The boy said and walked away.

Oh my god... that... that was so... HOT.

Holy shit man, call me a psychopath, but that was so attractive.

I, I'm feeling an instant rush of adrenaline and attraction right now, I just, I just have to have that boy.

So now I'm walking behind him. A lot of steps behind him but following him.

I'm good at blending in, and hiding so he never notices me.

I follow him to a nature trail inside the city's park.

I'm hiding behind a few bushes, and then-

I step on a leaf.

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