Been too long

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Bellamy and Murphy have had sex many times before. They both have a need for it and so they do it a lot.

'It's been too long?' Murphy snaps Bell out of his ecstasy.

'What?' Bell looks at Murphy with confusion. He has no idea what Murphy's been saying. He's just stared at his perfect body with lust in his eyes. Murphy smirks.

'Your reaction seemed like it was the first time you saw my body naked. But you've seen it. Many times. So, I figured it's been too long for you.' Bellamy rolls his eyes with slight embarrassment.

'Come hear you beast.' He laughs and grabs Murphy in a tight hold and bites his neck gently. He pushes John back on his back and slides himself lower on his body. He sits up at the end of the mattress so he could drag Murphy's jeans down easier. He gets them off quickly and throws them away.

'Wow.' The word accidently escapes Bellamy's mouth as he looks down at Murphy's muscular legs. He bends down to kiss his thighs and massages Murphy's sides as he goes.

'Hmm.' Murphy breathes as Bellamy keeps going. Then he suddenly feels Bell stop and lifts his head from the pillow to see what's going on.

'What's wrong?' He asks softly. Bell keeps looking Murphy's thigh making Murphy wonder.

'What is this?' Bell asks still staring at Murphy's leg. Murphy sits up to see what Bellamy means. He sees a big scar that's leaking a little bit of blood. A fresh cut.

'Oh umm – that's nothing. Just a little scar. Life on the ground am I right?' Murphy awkwardly answers.

'No. This wasn't here yesterday. What happened?' Bell now turns his focus on Murphy's face looking his eyes.

'Just umm – I kinda umm.' Murphy stutters. 'I fell. That's all.'

'You fell? I don't mean to sound like an asshole but how did that cause your leg to slit open like this?' Murphy knows that he's a bad liar. And that Bellamy's not buying it.

'Okay. I didn't fall.' Murphy lays back down and closes his eyes for a second. Bell crawls closer to his face.

'What happened?'

'I – I did it myself.' Murphy huffs and opens his eyes to see Bellamy's reaction.

'What? Why? When?' Bellamy blurts out too many questions making Murphy feel judged.

'Hey. I'm not judging you. I'm trying to understand. You're important to me and I want to know what's going on. Please tell me.' Bellamy says with a gentle voice.

'I just needed to...' Murphy pauses. He wonders: "Can I really say that?" But when he sees the loving look in Bellamy's eyes he knows he can.

'I needed to feel something.' 

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