chapter two

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  It was the morning and Peter and Henry had to go to school. Henry got up and woke up Peter.
Henry: Peter it's time to get up
Peter: ok
Then Peter rolled out of bed and his earns stared ringing again. His head started hurting real bad this time. It didn't go away either. It didn't go away until like 10 minuets later. Peter just brushed it off and got dressed. He got all of his stuff together and went downstairs.
Susan: hi honey do you want breakfast
Peter: no thanks
Susan: ok

Then Peter and Henry headed towards the bus stop.
Henry: hey Peter are you ok you haven't been eating
Peter: I'm fine
Henry: no your not you haven't been eating and you look really sad
Peter: I'm not hungry and I'm not sad

Then the bus arrived and then they both got on.

They arrived at school and people were picking on Peter. One kid pushed Peter down and he landed on his face and broke his glasses.
Henry: are you ok Peter
Peter: yeah I'm fine
Then Peter had to go the rest of the day without glasses.

It was the end of the school day and then there mom went to go pick them up.

Susan: what happened Peter?
Peter: I feel down and broke my glasses
Henry just looked at Peter.
Susan: let's go get them fixed
Peter: ok

They went and got them fixed and then headed home.

Henry whispers to Peter
Henry: why didn't you tell the real reason you broke your glasses
Peter: I don't know I didn't think it mattered
Henry: it does matter. I don't want people picking on you like that
Peter: I don't care if they do

Then they finally got home and Peter rushed upstairs.

There mom was going to have her friend over and they were going to get drunk. Then there mom started to yell and scream. Peter didn't like it and he covers his ears and then Henry hugged Peter. Peters head started to hurt real bad and his ears were ringing again.
Then he just went upstairs without telling Henry. He laid on his bed crying. Then Henry walked in.

Henry: what's wrong Peter why are you crying?
Peter: nothing
Henry: something is wrong Peter
Peter: nothings wrong I'm fine
Henry: please tell me what's going on with you Peter I'm getting worried
Peter: nothing is wrong I'm ok

Then there mother came in and told them to go to bed.

Then they went to bed but Peter couldn't go to bed because his head hurt so much. His ears kept ringing and he was silently crying. But Henry could still here him cry.

Then Henry got up and moved to Peters bed and just held him.

Henry: shhhh it's ok whatever it is it'll be ok I love you
Peter: I love you too

Then they both went to bed in the same bed that night.


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