Chapter 41 - His Song, Her Song

Start from the beginning

Riya soon positioned the guitar on her lap and got ready to play. But before that, she spoke once again.

"Someone told me that the true beauty of singing reveals itself when you truly sing that song for someone. With that, you could convey the feeling that lies within the song you've chosen. So I hope this song could reach your heart--" she paused before she sighed. "--Shuichi-kun."

Not only surprised reactions filled the hall but also cheers and applauses. As for the person mentioned by the maiden, he was looking at Riya intently with eyes slightly opened wide because of surprise. But a few seconds later, he managed to recover and decided to listen to Riya's song. Not only him, but also the others decided to do the same thing.

Riya started playing the tune of her chosen song on the guitar followed by her singing the song... with all her heart since she dedicated it to Kurama.

All this time, Riya could tell that the pain she unconsciously inflicted on Kurama's heart hadn't faded until now. His eyes were telling her that. So she wanted to remove that pain. She couldn't bear to see him sad whenever he was alone. But she planned on doing that not only through the song but also something else.

Something she knew that would convey her true intentions of fading the pain in the fox demon's heart. She wanted to do it in any way she could.

Kurama might not have been crying in a literal sense, but Riya could feel that his heart still does. She could tell that he was not going to stop crying anytime soon, not until she could figure out the main reason why would he be extremely hurt because of her declaration.

She had to know the reason for her to do what she could to make it go away. After all, she was already in love with him. Her love might become the perfect cure for that heartache of his end.

Riya smiled as she sang the song along with the melody from the guitar, followed by her glancing at the person to whom she dedicated the song. Kurama was on his seat, now with a smile on his face as he listened to her singing truly for someone. He was glad to know that he was that 'someone' who was making her special.

That was because she was special and she always would be no matter what happens from then on. Nothing could change that in his heart. At least, that was what he thought.

All of the students there concentrated on listening to the song since it defined Riya's intention to be with Kurama and ease his pain. Besides that, they liked the song she chose. She was singing it with a good expression etched on his face. Even her emotions were clearly expressed within the song's lyrics.

Yusuke and Kuwabara couldn't help but envy Kurama for having Riya in his life. The girl tried to tell the fox in many ways and based on the song, she was willing to love him (again). Ayako and Keiko were smiling as they listened to the song. It was so obvious that Riya fell in love with Kurama once again and this time, it happened in a matter of two weeks which was pretty ironic.

But that didn't matter. The only thing that mattered to them was for Kurama to realize the maiden's feelings.

Kurama couldn't remove the smile on his face as he listened to Riya singing. Her angelic voice would forever stay in his heart as she truly sang for someone - for him - despite how things turned out between them. And a picture of her as she was playing the guitar while singing was one of the perfect pictures to remember over and over. He just hoped someone would bother to record Riya's performance and lend him a copy of it.

When he glanced to one side of the hall, he chuckled silently when he saw Yumi holding up a video camera. It looked like his wish was granted since he knew that the blonde was fond of taking pictures and videos of her friends' important moments, just like Riya's performance at the moment.

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