Chapter 25 - No Matter What Happens

Start from the beginning

"The strange closeness between Minamino-kun and Riya-chan during the movie's filming the day after the Rose Ball. It's as if their relationship somehow reached a new level," Ayako explained.

"We didn't tell you about this because we don't know how. We were surprised," Keiko said apologetically.

Soujiro sighed before proceeding to eat.

"Well, if something like that happened, it's for the best," the blue-haired guy said.

"You're right about that," Akane responded. "But I want to know what happened that night."

"Me, too!" Yukari exclaimed enthusiastically before facing Botan and Keiko. "Ne, can you tell us what happened that night?"

"Please?" Ayako pleaded to the two girls who were now unsure of what to do.

But before one of them replied, Hiei suddenly spoke while looking outside since he was just sitting on the windowsill of one of the windows in that room.

"Hey, Yumi. Why don't you show them the video to make it easier?" Hiei suggested without looking at them.

After he said that, all of them faced the said girl who was already done eating. Yumi glowered at Hiei in response to what he said.

"Sheesh, Hiei! You ruined the suspense."

"Whatever," Hiei said before jumping away to a tree away from the others. But Yumi smiled inwardly when she saw him smirk when he said that.

'I'll let you get off the hook for now. Just wait until I get you for doing that,' Yumi thought and then faced the others.

"What's that video he was talking about?" Yusuke asked curiously.

"It's a video about Kurama and Riya's kissing scene that I recorded," Yumi stated that surprising the others.

"You were there, Yumi-san?" Keiko asked and the blonde nodded.

"Anyway, if you want to know what had happened that night, better finish your meals so that we could watch it together," the Fire Wielder said as she stood up and left the room. "I'll just get the tape."

The girls then giggled as the boys sighed at the sight of the girls' obvious excitement.


Meanwhile, Kurama and Riya decided to go out of the house to breathe some fresh air. They went out without the others' knowledge since they knew that they wouldn't let them have time together now that they were considered a couple after all that commotion.

Though Hiei noticed them from one of the trees he was resting on, he just let them have their ways. Besides, Yumi wouldn't want any distraction to happen between those two people's moments, especially when she would let the others watch the video and he knew that.

"Just make sure she'll be safe, fox," Hiei muttered before he jumped to another tree.

Kurama ended up on a tree at the top of a certain hill near the house. That way, the others wouldn't worry as to where to find them when they find out he and Riya were gone.

Riya took a deep breath as she stretched her arms wide before laying her back down on the grass. "This is the life!"

Kurama laughed softly as he sat beside her. This was when she faced the redhead.

"Sorry for asking you this selfishly," she said apologetically which made him look at her. "I just couldn't take it staying all day in that room lying in bed like I have a very serious sickness. In a way, it suffocates me."

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