Chapter 10 - Getting Closer And Her Resolve

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As for Kurama, he couldn't help but to blush because of that. 'It's a normal thing a friend would do to someone who's really about his friend's well-being... Right? But seriously, why am I blushing like this just because she saw me holding her hand?' He heaved a heavy sigh in order to hide what exactly he was feeling at that moment. Of course, he needed to do that to calm his erratically beating heart. It never occurred to him before that something like this would have happen to him under these unusual circumstances.

"Anyway... um... thank you for bringing me here. You saved me," Riya said sincerely which made Kurama look at her. Again, there was this smile of hers that he kept on seeing ever since that day of revelation.

That made him smile, as well. "You saved Kirisawa-san from a falling part of the ceiling that was about to crush her, didn't you? Even though you knew you were to be crushed instead of her when you do that..."

"I couldn't tell you much about that. I could barely remember what happened after that one." 'I just couldn't tell you what happened since it might shock you. And to think Ayako-chan had that thing...' she added in her thoughts.

"It's alright. You'll be allowed to get out of here as soon as you woke up, according to the doctors that examined you," Kurama said. "But I have to accompany you to your house just to be sure you're going to be safe."

"You don't have to do that, Shuichi-kun. It's already enough that you're the one who watched me here the whole time. I can go home by myself. I'll be fine, I promise" she insisted.

But before he could answer that, a doctor entered the room she was in.

"I guess I would agree to this young man's suggestion of accompanying you to your house. Your right foot and left thigh's wounds are too deep for you to be able to move it on your own right now. The fragments that caused your wounds were sharp enough to hit some nerves. Because of that, you'll be having a hard time moving them. That's why you'll be using a wheelchair for the time being," the doctor informed which made her a bit disappointed.

She sighed after hearing that and it made Kurama look at her.

"I guess I'll just ask Ryuuzaki-sensei for me to have home-schooling for that 'time being' I'll be staying in my apartment. Maybe I'll ask my aunt to help me with some of the chores I have at home. I hope I'm not going to disturb her with that."

Then she saw Shuichi stand up and faced her. "Why don't we talk about it while accompanying you to your house? I'll do what I can about school so you could rest better. There's nothing for you to worry about, okay?"

All she could do was look at Shuichi with a serious expression on her face. Most likely, she was thinking about what he wanted to do. And for some reason, she couldn't afford to fail him.

Once again, she sighed but this time, she did it exasperatedly as a sign of giving up.

"Alright. If you're that insistent, I guess I'll let you do it your way," Riya answered before she faced him and smiled.

She was happy to see him smile after that, as well. It was one thing that she would never trade for anything else.

Or at least that's what she thought... for now.


Later that night, at the park...

The wind blew gently on that side of the city. It's one thing where anyone would feel calm and relieved. The stars on the sky shimmered as several clusters were displayed, forming a little gallery of constellations that formed as decorations of the sky. For many, it would have been a wonderful night.

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