Twenty Four. Partaay!

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Twenty Four


“You’re wedding is tomorrow, you have to have at least one drink!”

Elianna stared at her friend with a look that said ‘no way Jose’. For the past five minutes, she had been dealing with Piper’s incessant pushing about how it was her ‘right’ to have a drink or two of alcohol the night before her wedding.

She would do nothing but refuse. Last time Elly had caved to the ways of Piper, and had the one drink, it turned into two, then three, and then a ride home from the trusty Gemma as she tried not to vomit everywhere.

Yeah, that wasn’t happening again.

“You’re right,” Gemma said in a soothing voice. “Tomorrow is her wedding day, let her spend tonight how she wants it.”

Piper crossed her arms and huffed, mouth in a pout and eyebrows drawn down. Matthew laughed at his girlfriend and swept her away in a dance.

The rehearsal dinner had gone off without a hitch. No supernatural beings stormed in and nobody suffocated from a food in the dinner that was their allergy. Of course, it was only the bridal party and close others that were at the dinner, so El couldn’t be sure what would happen tomorrow when the rest of the guests ate the true dinner.

“What are we gonna do with her?” El mused as she stood side by side with her other good friend. Gemma shrugged, a wistful look on her face as she watched everyone.

“You should go practice dancing with Jared. He looks lonely over there by the bar.”

Gemma chuckled, and shook her head. “Don’t lie to me, we all know I have two left feet.”

Elly pushed her in Jared’s direction. “Just go.”

She went willingly, and Jared looked relieved to see Gemma walking his way.

Her gaze strayed from the now dancing two to her mother as she walked toward her.

“Hey mom.” They twined arms, watching, as Elianna rested her head on her mother’s shoulder.

“How are you sweetie?” She asked in that tone. The one where it suggested anything said could be fixed, positive or negative.

“I couldn’t feel better at the moment.” Elly breathed out. “I’m getting married tomorrow.”

“That you are. Nervous?”

“Not in the cold feet sort of way,” she answered. “More like impending death from jealous supernatural creatures kind of nervous.”

Her mother patted her arm with her free hand. “Don’t be. You had Granma Cindy do that spell for a reason. We’ll be prepared when it wears off.”

I hope so.

Nate took that moment to politely remove Elianna from her mother’s arms and twirl her onto the makeshift dance floor. Iana and Jack joined seconds after them.

He bent down to whisper in her ear. “We’re less than a day away.” He said.

“I know.” She breathed. “It’s all so surreal.”

“I can’t wait.” They swayed around other dance partners, his hands holding her flush against him as her own gently tugged and held on to his hair. How she loved it’s shagginess. The man would sleep on the couch if he ever cut it’s perfection.

“Neither can I.”

Nate was the perfect gentleman at dancing. His hands stayed politely on the curve of her hips, and he didn’t stray lower than that.

“I love you,” she whispered into his chest, smiling softly.

Thanatos kissed her forehead, and that was all she needed to know he loved her back.

At the end of the night, Piper had to be carried to the limo that would take her, Gemma, and Elly home. Thanatos gave his soon-to-be wife a lingering goodnight kiss, a promise of what was to come tomorrow.

He watched the car drive away with his hands in his slack pockets. Matthew stood next to him watching too. He shook his head, and slapped Thanatos on the back. “Well, we all need beauty sleep, even us men, so lets get going.”

Thanatos followed Matthew and Jared to his car. He would be sleeping in Mia and Dean’s home for the night. Following the human tradition that Elly wanted.

Matthew lived only a few minutes drive away from the Frost’s house. It was good to know that Elianna could be in touch with her friends and spend time with them while Thanatos was out collecting souls.

Damn, he hadn’t done that in a long while.

Elianna and Thanatos decided that they wanted to have their honeymoon in their first home together. So tomorrow night they’d be accommodated at the Crowne Plaza in the presidential suite for three days. Also paid by Hades as part of the wedding package.

Until their house was built, which it was already in the process of being leveled, thank you Hephaestus again, they would still be staying in Elianna’s room.

The project will be done in two months time, Hephaestus told them a few days ago. Both Elianna and Thanatos were surprised and astonished at how much work had already been done in the few days since first starting.

Matthew parked the car in the connected garage. All three men got out and went inside. His house was just as nice and big as the Frost’s. With it’s rich dark wood and airy room concept, the home was a keeper. Thanatos followed the other two men up the stairs.

“Your room is the last on the right. Your bags are already in there.”

“Thank you Matthew, and Jared.”

“You’re welcome,” Jared said. “I’m hitting the hay, ‘night guys.”

Matthew looked at Thanatos, and nodded. “See you in the morning Nate.” He grinned. “No cold feet or anything?”

“Not a lick.”

“Good, see you.”

He too, like Jared, entered his appointed room. Thanatos entered his a few minutes later, changed into his new comfy pajama pants, his favorite ones now, in fact, and sat down on the bed with Elly’s wedding ring box in his hand.

Tomorrow. It all happens tomorrow.

The Power of Death (Book Two of The Eternal Warmth Series)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن