Well, reading further, Liang Yuehai could feel his metaphorical eyebrows rise higher and higher.

Differing from the original plot, after Wei Father's lover had moved in, Wei Qiu did not move out. Instead, he had stayed, with a nefarious plot in mind.

Starting from the day they moved in, Wei Qiu instigated his father to bring his lover to a vacation in Hawaii, promising that he'll take care of his new younger brother. Wei Father had agreed, thinking that it would be a good bonding moment for the new brothers.

Not long after they moved in, they went on a vacation, as We Qiu had planned. With no adults in the household, and only the servants who turned a blind eye to him because he was the master's son, Wei Qiu was free to do anything to Shang Lifang.

That includes, acting like a petty child. Hiding all of his things everywhere, locking the door when Shang Lifang was supposed to come home from school, and purposely messing with him.

....Considering this, Liang Yuehai thought that this Wei Qiu was a really... funny child.

Seems like this child doesn't have a lot of friends when he was young, and thus didn't know how to bully others....

Ah well, it's not like any of that matters.

Shang Lifang sensed the hate and distaste Wei Qiu held for him, and attempted to try to make things better. However, the corrupted Wei Qiu only saw it as if the younger man was mocking him, and got even angrier.

Gradually, Shang Lifang lost the previous respect he had for Wei Qiu, and in turn, hated him too. The two stepbrothers would then start to disrupt each others' life, and it would end with Wei Qiu's demise.

....Huh? Wei Qiu's demise? Was Liang Yuehai reading this right?

Oh wait. Shang Lifang was the main character of this world....


So it seems that he's in a hospital...

(A quick check to the data.)

Because of Shang Lifang's retaliation, he had gotten too inebriated and got hit by a car. Luckily, he hadn't died.

....But to be frank, Liang Yuehai would prefer it if Wei Qiu had died. Because what happened after his stunt was that the retaliations would gradually get worser and worser, ending up to Wei Qiu's social death and physical death.

What was he supposed to do now, with a younger stepbrother whom he had bullied for several months....

「Ding! The task is to prevent Wei Qiu's death! Completion of this task will grant 500 points!」

...And how should he do that, exactly? Run out of the country? That sounds like a good plan.

「Extra task; make Shang Lifang like Wei Qiu! Failure to complete this task will result in point deduction. Completion of this task will grant a fragment! Points that the host have at this moment is: 10.」

...Isn't that too little. And what was a fragment, anyway? Sounds suspicious.

But since Liang Yuehai never asked to read the terms and conditions, he couldn't protest...

「Is the host done reading the data?」

...He's done.

「Transporting back host's consciousness to the host body!」


- He woke up.

As soon as he woke up, the smell of sweet perfume, like those of a recently blooming flower, wafted into his nose.

He couldn't resist it; he sneezed.


The clatter of a knife, and a cry of 'Ah'Qiu!', before he was hugged by a woman.

'Mother,' His mind automatically supplied, along with memories of sunlit picnics, dimpled smiles and painted balloons. Liang Yuehai's lips twitched, it seemed that Wei Qiu was a mommy's boy.

(No wonder why the original one felt alienated. It would have been better if he had gone to live with his mother, it seems.)

"Mo-Mom?" Liang Yuehai croaked out, wincing as he felt pain from his legs and arms.

"Silly boy!" Wei Mother scolded him, anger and sadness swirling into one within her eyes. "Haven't I always told you, be responsible? You're 18 right now, why are you still irresponsible like a child?"

"...I'm sorry." Liang Yuehai apologised glumly, feeling a stuffy emotion within his chest.

Could this be guilt he was feeling? How strange. It seemed that Wei Qiu's body was affecting him.

"You better be! Had it not for the Shang boy, I wouldn't be here right now!"

Huh? Shang boy... that Shang Lifang?

"You're lucky he called your father and told him about your accident - so now your father is asking me to take care of the both of you so that you won't get into any accidents again!"

What was Shang Lifang's plan, to call Wei Father regarding his accident, that he himself had orchastrated?

That was odd. Liang Yuehai contemplated it for a moment.

"Are you listening? Oh god- should I call the doctor here?"

Wait. His mother was descending into panic.

"I'm fine, mom." Liang Yuehai sighed, exasperated. His eyes flickered to her worried face, fine wrinkles visible on them, and he smiled. "...So you're going to stay with us?"

"I'll be taking care of the both of you until your father gets home." Wei Mother firmly nodded. "But first, let's get you cleared to go home."

But he had just woken up...

Liang Yuehai nodded with a soft sigh, and a fond smile as the cogs in his mind turned...

promise, part.2

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2018 ⏰

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