The Girl With The Lock And Key

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It all started one day nothing unusual happened to me. It was a fairly normal day. When i had awoken that morning and did my normal routine and left for school, i had noticed that it had rained that night. I had always loved the rain and the calmness and sort of gloom it had possessed. The day went on as usual. People thinking badly about me, whispers as i passed by, and the occasional rude comment someone was brave enough to speak out on. The day was pretty normal, but this is not when it all happened. It all started at home. Me and my family were at the table having dinner, when i was insulted yet again. I had decided i would no longer speak, after all every time i did it never ended well. My family never thought anything about it i was always doing things like this to get my way.They thought it would never last. They just knew i would give in eventually. To bad this time was different. My mom was always so angry at me i never seemed to do anything right. She thought what i felt and thought were just for attention. She didn't know how real it all was. That night i sat on my bed with many items in front of me. There was needle, some thread, a zipper, and a lock with a key. I numbed my lips and began working. It took me awhile but i had finally managed to sew the zipper on and lock it shut with my lock and key. i made sure there was no possible way to get it removed without the key, the only other way would involve cutting my lips off. That way they had no choice but to find the key or leave me the way i was. I took great care of finding the perfect spot to hide this key. In the end i decided to hide it inside my favorite stuffed animal. No one would ever look there. The next morning when my mom woke me up she saw what i had done. She was petrified she kept on screaming and crying all the while i just looked at her with a blank and emotionless face. No one thought i would ever go as far as sewing my mouth shut to prove a point, but i was always so full of surprises. Plus they needed to realise how serious i was being. My mother rushed me out to the car and drove straight to the hospital. the people in the waiting room and the receptionists all looked and me with disgust and horror. I just stared right past them. When the doctors saw me they ran me straight to a room to remove my beautiful work. To bad they couldn't. They decided that they would have to remove my lips or open the lock my mother of course chose the ladder. They searched all over the house for the key ,but it was no where to be found. They never did think to check my stuffed animal. They decided to call a locksmith in hopes they could open the lock. To bad for me the lock could be easily picked. So that is why im her, they thought i was insane, i wasn't. I just didn't want to talk.

Please do not copy or steal. I came up with this on my own so please don't steal from me. If you see someone copying please tell me so i can report them. i hope you enjoyed. if you want more ask and i will try to find time. Love melissa

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2014 ⏰

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