Chapter 3

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"Miss Allie?"

I jumped out of bed and looked at the clock. It was five past eight. Oops. Quickly, I unlocked my door and Alice came in, looking very worried.

"Oh, Miss Allie, you had me worried there" Alice scolded. "I thought you was ill or something, and Cooper was going to have to break the door in."

I smiled guiltily.

"I really am sorry, Alice. I must have overslept. Thank you for the tub."

"No problems, Miss Allie!" Alice said cheerily, as she rolled back the carpet and dragged the tub into the center of the room.

"I say, you didn't drag that up the stairs by yourself, did you?" I asked suddenly, but to my relief Alice shook her head.

"Nah, Miss Allie. Geraldine the cook helped me carry it. Stronger than a horse, she is."

I smothered a giggle.

"Tell her I'm grateful."

"Course, Miss Allie, course."

And with that, Alice gave me a little wave and left, shutting the door carefully behind her. I locked it, then quickly undressed and took a bath, after which I felt a lot better. I decided on a bluish gingham dress, sturdy white shoes and a white shawl. I kept my hair simple again, after all, I am a governess. I turned as there was a little knock at my door. I opened it to find Kitten standing there looking very smart ready for the guests to arrive, but without any shoes on. I pointed this out to him kindly, and asked where his shoes were.

"But Miss Winter, that's the problem" the child explained. "I don't know which shoes to wear. Mother says to wear my new ones, but they hurt my feet and I would so much like to wear my old ones, but Mother says that they're too scuffed. What should I do?" he asked, looking up at me with big round eyes. I smiled and began to lead him back to his room.

"I tell you what. I'll have a look at your old shoes, and we'll see if we can't brighten them up a bit so you can wear them" I told him, and his little eyes lit up and he pulled me into his room to show me his shoes. I had to admit, they were in quite good condition, just a few scuffs here and there, but I could also see why Lady Morris wouldn't want him to wear them.

"Shall we see what we can do after breakfast?" I asked, but Kitten shook his head.

"Alice can bring breakfast up here if I say please to her" he said. "Now please, Miss Winter, fix my shoes!" he pleaded. I smiled at him.

"Well" I said. "You go and find Alice and ask her to bring breakfast up here, and I'll go and find something to clean your shoes with."

Kitten smiled, that lovely, beaming smile that only very small children can have, and he ran out of the room to find Alice. I sighed and hurried down to the kitchen to find some brown shoe polish.

Death at Scarlet Leaf.जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें