Chapter Sixteen

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Colbys P.O.V

Three weeks later

Quite some time after we had moved out of our old house, they boarded it up and refused to sell it, we don't know why but we assumed that it didn't concern us any longer.

Josie only has a few weeks left of her first trimester so the doctors have cleared her from bed rest, they are making her drink these protien shakes that are supposed to help her gain weight faster, I think it's working because her little belly is starting to show more and more.

Since its summer in Maine, she ditched her hoodies for the first time in her life, sticking to shorts and tank tops most of the time..

Today I was awake early, hanging some pictures on the wall for Josie since she couldn't reach without standing on a chair, Josie walked in and went straight to the kitchen.

I continued to hammer nails into the wall, when I reached down to grab a picture frame, I felt her wrap her arms around my torso, I looked down to see one of the protien shakes in her hand, unopened. I chuckled and grabbed it from her, opening the top with my teeth and handing it back to her, she shifted to stand beside me "thanks."she mumbled, taking a sip of it and leaning into my side "No problem."I told her, setting the hammer down after hanging the last one.

We sat down on the couch together and I glanced down at Josie, I don't think I've ever seen her so happy and content with life before, I'm glad I could make her even a little bit as happy as she has made me since the day we met.

It felt a little surreal to be living this life, I've been told for years that I would never find love and I would never leave the hospital alive, now I'm twenty three with a wife and a baby on the way, it is amazing, don't get me wrong, it was just so odd since basically my entire life I have been treated like I was different... That's another reason why I love Josie so much, she knows I'm different but she makes me feel normal.. everyone else I've known has always made it a big deal to treat me like a normal person.

I'm. Not. Normal.

I snapped out of my thoughts when I felt Josie place her hand flat against my chest "Your heart rate went up so fast. What are you thinking about?"she asked I turned to see a concerned expression on her face. I shrugged and smiled at her to calm her nerves "I just want to tell you that I love you"I spoke, she grinned happily and kissed my cheek "I love you too."She mumbled..

Josies P.O.V

When Colby says he loves me it brightens my entire day up, he doesn't say it often so I can't really describe the feeling but it's amazing, we love eachother, we just don't say it much, we also don't kiss as often as people might think we do..

I have about a week left in my first trimester and Colby says I'm already acting like a pregnant woman, I don't have mood swings but I do cry a lot more than I did before, that also makes Colby telling me he loves me so much more emotional.

"Hey, Josie.."Colby started, I looked at him and hummed in response, he looked so awkward and fidgety "can I touch your belly again?"he asked, I giggled and nodded, taking his hand and resting it over my stomach, he kept his face blank but I know that this was his favorite thing ever, he refuses to feel my stomach without permission even though I've told him a hundred times that it was okay, I know that this is weird for him and he is scared to be around something as fragile as a baby, let alone the woman who is carrying his baby.

He also doesn't like to talk about parenting even though i force him to anyway, Colby wasn't beaten or abused as a child, in fact he had very loving parents who just didn't know how to deal with him, I had very shitty parents who didn't know the first thing about raising a human being... I decided without even consulting Colby that we wouldn't hit our kids, no matter what happens I never want to lay a hand on them.

Colby found work very fast once we moved, he is still working on cars but it pays a lot more than when he did the same stuff in Connecticut, he prefers it because that way I won't have to work in order to help pay the bills.

I looked up suddenly when Colby stood up from the couch, holding out his hand for me to take "Wanna help me do the laundry?"he asked, I smiled and nodded, taking his hand and standing up.

Bed rest was making me constantly upset because it's hard for me to not do anything, Colby knows better than anyone that I can't sit still very long and even when I am, I still like to stay productive. Colby found a way around this by letting me help with the laundry, I sit in bed and fold it while Colby puts it away, that's been the only thing keeping me sane these past five weeks.

I sat on our bed criss-crossed, staring around the walls to admire our bedroom, the floor was hardwood like the rest of the house and the walls were a pretty dark brown color, something Colby has voiced his hatred for but I love it so it stays.

Colby followed through with the usual routine of dumping a pile of clean clothes on the bed and sitting across from me so he could also fold some, it seems very boring but not everything in our life has to be exciting, sometimes it's the normal things that us Psychos love the most..


Hey so I was gonna do a poll on Twitter but I felt the results wouldn't be as accurate since alot of you don't have an account or don't follow me on Twitter (it's @/Dehlilaofficial) anyway we'll do this how we voted on the sequel.

The question is: how do you guys want the ne,t Chapter?


Josie- time skip to baby #1

Colby- keep going as usual with short but few timeskips

Comment the name by your answer and tomorrow night I will start writing the chapter!!~D

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