Part 1 : first meeting

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In my yugioh battle with my friend
H.M:Ha ha you only have one card left in your deck , you will not win this
Kh.M(Me):So you still forgot that my field spell still in and i have one monster but you do not have
H.M:but that does not matter because i believe you do not have any monster left
Kh.M:I will always truth my card even is my last card , I Draw
Kh.M look at the last card and smile
H.M:what's so funny
Kh.M: i will summon my last and ace monster i always truth on it by destroy my monster on the field
H.M: What!!!!!!!
Kh.M: i will summon my Dark magician girl
H.M: no way , how did she is in the last card ?
Kh.M: because i believe in the heart of the card and she is my ace of every battle , now dark magician girl attack , Dark burning attack
After that
H.M: congratulations Kh.M that was a great battle i can see that you and dark magician girl have a special relationship
Kh.M: thank and your deck was very good as well , some day will duel agains
H.M:anyway i will see you next time
Kh.M:Um now let go home
Kh.M:Now what should i do , Ouch!!!(hit by something)
Kh.M:Ouch! What the huh?
Kh.M see a Millennium ring
Just yugi Millennium puzzle
Kh.M:okay why this here i thought Atemu gone that all Millennium stuff will gone ! Huh a note "a gif for you" what wait oh is not Millennium stuff is just like it but what is this do ?
Millennium ring shine bright
Kh.M:ahhhhh! What nothing happen
???: Master
Kh.M: who these ( Shock)
???: What wrong master did i do some thing wrong
Kh.M:N...Nothing[oh my god is dark magician girl(well i will still call her True Name is Mana)]
Mana:My name is Dark magician girl but you call me Mana
Kh.M: (i knew it) and why are you here and this your ?
Mana:no but i will going to give this Millennium ring to a person name Kh.M but i lose that for 2 days ago
Kh.M: oh really ( how that is sending to me )
Then Atemu apper
Kh.M:God man you scare me
Atemu:sorry did you receive the Millennium ring yet ?
Kh.M: No not yet
Mana:Pharaoh so this your friend and the one that i give Millennium ring to
Atemu:Yes Mana this your master,I see every battle that he always truth you even win or lose ,he will always believe in the heart of the card
Mana:so that why the Millennium ring shine . This ring shine that mean is accept you Master
Kh.M: ok i understand but can you call M instead Master , i don't like my ace monster and soul friend call me master
Mana:Yes M(i feel in love with him becaus i know every battle he always use me but i care about me too he is a very nice and kind person)
Atemu: well you have the Millennium ring so my job is done
Kh.M:ok thank you so you back to the soul world ?
Atemu: yes well i going now take care of Mana
Kh.M: ok i always take care of her bye Atemu
Mana:bye bye Pharaoh see you again
Atemu:bye Mana and Kh.M
Atemu go back to soul world
Kh.M:ok let go now Mana
Mana: Yes mas..... I mean M❤❤❤❤
End part 1

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