Reclaiming the Homestead Ch 4

Start from the beginning

"Micah, Kurt Black here," the disjointed voice comes over the phone and I recognise my uncle's tones. "Can I have a private chat to both you and my niece please,"

There's no question in my mind this is an order not a request and I nod my agreement when Micah glances my way.

"Give us a minute to go to our room," Micah says as we get to our feet.

"Steven can you watch the boys for me?" I ask. "Hopefully this won't take too long." I've spoken to Kurt several times on the phone over the last few weeks and have found he is really good about letting me give the boys my undivided attention when I need to.

"Can do," Steven acknowledges. "And will keep an eye on everything else,"

"Thanks," Micah says before leading the way around Dwayne and out towards the bedrooms. We are nearly at the bedroom door before I realise Steven had meant he would keep a watch on Lilly's reactions to Dwayne. I push my concern to the back of my mind, Lilly is still nervous around the older, more dominate toms and I know it is causing Mitchell and Micah some concerns.

"Okay, we can talk now," Micah says once we have made ourselves comfortable sitting against the headboard of the bed.

"I thought I had better let you know that the members of the board are rather excited about the news of the two young she-kitts you discovered yesterday," Kurt says evenly. "There has been some concerns recently about the closeness of the marriages within our society and the low numbers of she-kitts. Do you have any ideas what their mother plans to do?"

"Bud Lancaster will be here tomorrow to meet the older one, she is his daughter according to Lydia, the mother," Micah tells Kurt.

"So I heard," Kurt says. "Bud has already had his medic take blood samples to do DNA testing to prove it. Sari has said she is happy to welcome the family into her home and help educate the two girls regarding being werecats. What of the younger daughter?"

"There's no doubt in Mitchell or Sam's minds, she is their half sister." Micah says evenly with a glance my way.

"Yeah, I have to agree," I add my opinion. "She looks so much like me,"

"Ray denies it," Kurt says with a sigh and I feel anger start to build on Sasha's behalf. "He claims the mother slept around, had numerous affairs."

"There are DNA tests that can be done on siblings to prove paternity," I say tightly. "Anyway Sasha will be staying with us if I have any say in it."

I can't explain the sudden fierce protective feelings I have concerning Sasha. Maybe I simply don't want to add to the feelings of pain and rejection she will have when she learns of Ray's denial of paternity.

"Beth and I would like to offer any help we can with our newest niece," Kurt says after a second of silence.

I listen with half of my attention as I ponder what I have just committed myself to. I have consciously been fighting my growing attachment to Sasha from the moment I saw her and now I have claimed her as my sister and stated I intend for her to live with Micah and I. I glance at Micah and he meets my gaze as he takes hold of my hand. I am aware of laughter in the lounge room and glance towards the door before leaning my head back and closing my eyes for a few moments.

"Kurt said to tell you goodbye," Micah says with a gentle nudge of his elbow. I glance his way as I realise I had gotten lost in my own thoughts and lost track of both the conversation and time.

"Oh, okay," I say with a sigh.

"I take it you mean you want Sasha to live with us when we move to your mother's place," Micah says quietly.

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