2-the ten year anniversary

Beginne am Anfang

i closed my eyes passing out from the wound. i woke in a nice room banged up. i still had form thank you back up Chakra. i got up and looked around then started to wounder were my bag pack was. a lady came in "hello."she said.

i had a spike fromed behind her head but i made it disappeared when i realize she wasn't enemy. " hello. "

" what is you name dear you came in with the leaf ninja that injure you had was quite deep. you shouldn't be moving"

i looked to the flower"im rose I'm not with the leaf ninja."

"oh. they said you where a friend. "

"um im a bounty hunter. i don't see how i would be helping them. I was after zabuza. I'm sorry. I'll go now."

i tried to move and stabbing pain went across my chest. I hunch over in pain and moaned. "i cant let you leave. your to injured. 7 days and you can go. I fix your top . "she said handing it to me.

I putt it over the bandage. "would you like some food?"

the leaf ninja came back and i went and talk to the man out side. " im kakashi hatake. according to this picture your akria stone aren't you?"he ask.

" no its rose ginsh." we what am I on.

" rose why do you have a picture of the missing nin akria stone and the fourth mizkage. "

" i don't have a update picture of her. it's what I was given. I look at this picture and wounder how a innocent Girl goes from this to rouge ninja to some one who wanted by everyone."i said looking at it.

"is zabuza your target."

"there friends and both in the bounty book i though I could get information from him. but he's not dead is he."

"in thoery no. will you stay to the bridge is complete and help me protect the bridge builder."

"i don't protected very well i wore the end off that blade."

" you have the skill you were trying to hide alot of your ability. help me and I'll help you. I have information on akira stones. powers and who will be her next target. I have been tracking her myself."

"what do you know."

"she going to sutler you in the state your in. that wound needs time. "

" yeah really. "i laughed.

i could kill you all with a snap off the wrist. "you shouldnt be a bounty hunter you should be in a village. your to young. "

" thank you but my village didn't want me. I will stay and help but i will heal my chest my self. how old do you think i am?"


" 18."

"you could still be in a village."

"thanks old man."

i went back on side and packed my weapons up. i was going to leave in the middle of the night.

the time came and i was sharing a room with the two girls. I grabbed my bag and slipped out the window. I walk threw the Forest and i saw the two genin boys training and huka watching them. the i attacked him i caught his neck in my leg. " what are you doing?" he choked.

" I'm not going to let you hurt this team. next time I'm killing you both and claiming the bounty. " i whisper.

the funny think was this form i use was a bounty hunter known i severally places. "let me go."

" send the message on."i growl.

i threw huka. i can not leave now. that mask man was watching. "akria you should join the akastuki. "he said

Snow and Steel ( naruto fan-fiction)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt