How It Happened

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Disclaimer: I don't own anything except the story idea.


[Takato's house]

{Monday, 3:22 am}

(Calumon's prov)

It was Saturday morning and Calumon was in a hurry. He could feel something dark coming, and it was coming for his other half. he knew this day would come, but he didn't think it would come so soon. Calumon was hoping he would get there before the darkness, because Takato had unbelievable power inside of him. As he approached his friends house he noticed a shadow slip into the house, at that point he know he was too late but still did his best to get there in time.


{Monday, 3:23}


I was asleep, then suddenly I woke to my window opening. I sat up and slowly rubbed my eyes. I opened eyes to see a serpent of shadows. I open my mouth to scream but was stopped when some more shadows arose from the floor, and gagged me as well as tie me up. I struggled but it was no use, the shadow had me in their coils. I noticed I was getting dizzy. As I struggled to stay awake I wondered if this was the end. If i'd ever see my friends & family again. And then,it all went black.



{Monday, 6:15 am}

(no prove)

The tamers were all meeting before school starts. Kazu & Kenta were trying and failing to get Ryo to battle them in the Digimon card game. Rika was going through her digimon cards. Henry meanwhile was studying for an upcoming test. Suzie & the twins were at their school. Finally Jery was wondering where Takato was. "hey guys..." Jery said "has anyone seen Takato"  upon hearing that the others realized he wasn't there. "he's probably just late" Rika said looking up from her cards "but let's call him to make sure" each of them took turns trying to call Takato, each of them failed. they all began to worry, some more than others. but before they could dwell on it too much the bell rang indicating the start of school.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2019 ⏰

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