Chapter One

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I've been running for what feels like ages, down this never ending corridor. My hearts pound in my chest as I push myself to go faster.

They know that I've broken out, now it's only a matter of time before a face off. I've broken out of my cell, but the tricky part is getting my sonic screwdriver back and getting out of this Dalek city.

Davros, the creator and leader of the Daleks, has been holding me here in hopes that my brother would come looking for me.

However, there's a flaw in his plan. What the stupid bastard hasn't realized, is that my brother believes me to be dead along with the rest of Gallifrey.

Unfortunately, Davros has my sonic screwdriver in his little living area. Which means that I've had to do things the old fashioned way.

It's a good thing I was a mechanic back on Gallifrey.

I pry open the control panel of the door and start to tinker and rearrange. After a bit of tinkering, the door finally opens. I let out a victorious cheer, before looking up at the doorway. The smile falls from my face as I see two Daleks blocking the door.

"Bollocks." I mutter angrily, raising my hands up as they aim their guns at me.

"PRISONER 4435, SURRENDER OR BE EXTERMINATED!!" The grey one screeches.

"Alright! Alright! I'm surrendering!" I snap, my green eyes glaring at the eyes of the Daleks. "So, boys, is it back to my cell or should we just skip right to the torture?"


I huff and roll my eyes at their shrill demands, following them back to my cell.


I fidget with my bindings behind my back as I sit in my cold concrete cell. A small beep emits from them as they fall to the ground behind me. I grin triumphantly and rub my wrists.

Footsteps and voices sound behind my cell door, causing me to quickly pick up my cuffs and place them behind my back.

Colony Sarff pushes three people into the cell with me. Confusion fills my expression as I sense that two of them are Time Lords. My brows furrow at the eccentric looking woman and the old man.

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