Dr Stiles nodded his head, not at all surprised. "That's not surprising. But if you attempt it..."

Lynus had to chuckle at the threat that was left hanging. He fell silent as Dr Stiles began his usual inspection, checking his vitals, ensuring he was comfortable and that he had been eating the food he had been given. He asked the typical questions medical staff ask a patient and Lynus knew them off by heart, and knew how to answer them to offer the best indication to his health.

However, Dr Stiles seemed to be asking more questions than usual. He was also fussier than usual. Well, he could have been like this during his previous inspections but Lynus was too tired to take too much notice. His questions were more...parental, though.

"Your blood pressure is still a little on the low side of things, but I'm not overly concerned," Dr Stiles spoke after he conducted his inspection and perched himself on the edge of the bed.

"Ah, so I'll be stuck here for a few more days?" Lynus questioned.

Dr Stiles thought to himself for a moment. "Well, if you're good, you might be able to leave tomorrow afternoon."

That was a relief! Nothing against the hospital, of course. But his own personal space and his own bed, with Axel with him, he would feel so much better. It would also reassure his guildmates.

"I'll try my best," Lynus said in return before he smiled in a soft and playful manner. "But that window is looking awfully tempting right now."

Dr Stiles uttered a chuckle, seemingly despite himself. "You wouldn't be the first to try, I assure you," he said with a smile before his expression abruptly changed into a somewhat stoic and serious look.

It honestly made Lynus feel a little nervous.

"I need to ask you something," Dr Stiles said with a serious tone, his voice low. "It's a personal question but I need to know so I can help you."

Lynus immediately felt a spike of fear appear in his chest and he subconsciously swallowed hard. He was fairly certain he knew what Dr Stiles was going to ask him. And he wasn't sure if he could answer it. He understood why he wanted to know, why he needed to know. It was just...he didn't know how Dr Stiles would react to the truth. He didn't want him to change his feelings or thoughts on him.

Curling his hands tightly around the bedsheets pooled at his waist, Lynus reluctantly nodded his head. "...Ok."

"How old were you when you started healing?" Dr Stiles asked, though made no attempt to pull out his usual notepad.

Lynus thought for a moment. "I remember using a cure spell for the first time when I was about six," he admitted around the lump that had formed in his throat. He somehow managed a shaky smile as he added; "Axel fell out of a tree and hurt himself."

The corner of Dr Stiles' mouth twitched into a smile and he nodded his head. That smile soon faded as he repositioned himself on the bed so that he was focusing more clearly on Lynus. "And how old were you when you started healing consciously?"

Once more, Lynus fell silent as he took a moment to think. "Um, about eight, I think. It was more so healing cuts and scrapes. I...don't really remember, I'm afraid," he admitted as he found himself sinking back against the pillows. "My village and childhood, I mean."

Dr Stiles' brow furrowed slightly and his eyes searched Lynus' carefully. "Did you have a mentor or teacher?"

Lynus just shook his head no. No, he didn't. He was really the only healer of his village. From what he could remember at least. He wasn't entirely sure of that. But he was certain that he did not have a mentor. He did not have anyone try to act as his guide. It was just...him.

Guardian of Healing - Etrian Odyssey 2 - BoyxboyWhere stories live. Discover now