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Half an hour after the huge blow out with Ron, Harry and Hermione were still sitting in the living room of her apartment. Though, Harry knew that Hermione was still upset after what had happened and decided to cheer her up the best he could. 

"I was able to get a lot of thinking done in the past half hour you were ignoring me." Harry said lying on his back across the floor. 

Hermione looked up from her book, Hogwarts a History (The one Harry gifted to her when they were kids), and stared at him. 

"Thinking?" she said, almost in a mocking tone "May I ask what about?" 

"Names." he answered blatantly "I think it'd be a good idea to name him or her after someone. You know, like one of our friends or something. But I really think we should name the baby after someone we'd lost in the war. It's the best way I can think of to honor them." 

"I like that idea, actually." she said

"But why did you want my opinion so badly?" Harry said "Not that I don't appreciate it or anything, because I do...It's just you don't seem all that happy with me right now, and I can't blame you because I caused Ron to break up with you." 

"Harry-" Hermione said, cutting him short "I can be mad at you but still care about your opinion at the same time...honestly, I don't regret what happened. It was just impulsive and that's not me, and now I have to deal with all of the consequences." 

"Sorry." he said, which made Hermione feel horrible because Harry was such a good guy and here was apologizing to her for something that wasn't even his fault nor in his control. 

"Don't be sorry." she said tears swelling up in her eyes "It isn't your fault." 

Harry took some time to think about what to say next as he could tell she was in an emotional state, and didn't want to make it any worse. 

"I know." He finally said "It's just that ever since our third year, you had huge plans for your future. And now I feel bad because...I just feel bad." 

Hermione nodded. "So do I."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 17, 2018 ⏰

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