Begining and End

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I can remember you screaming at me
I can remember you telling me I'm annoying
You can't stand me
It's my fault
I made the argument bigger
It's all my fault
But wait that's not what you mean
You want me to feel like I need you
You want me to feel like no one wants me
You think you have me
That you can have me anytime you want

That I'm just a body to you
A body you trapped
Even though she's the one who suffers
I gave everything I had to you
I gave my all
I put you before me
I lost myself in you
I wanted you to be the best you can
Even though you made me feel so small
Even though you made me feel so meaningless
Even when you screamed in my face
Shoved me aside

I still wanted you
I still felt like I needed you
Because who would want me
I'm annoying
I create fights
Make the argument bigger
I'm the problem

Now that I'm picking myself up
Now you want me
Now that he's the one I want
Now that you see my smile once again
You see what you once had
You start to mess with my feelings
And of course it messes with my mind
Of course I'd love for it to work out
But you don't love me
And I don't love you
You love my fear of you
You love control over me
And I fear you
I still fall to your feet

I will forever be trapped in your shadow
Till you let me go
Please let me go

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20, 2018 ⏰

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