Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

I have barely even stepped into the house on Wednesday, after spending the entire day at Will's house with him and his brother and Suzanne. The moment I did, though, I was about ready to run out again. What I was met with, was my father, red faced and glaring at a piece of paper in his hand. My mother was at his side sobbing her eyes out while my brothers were pacing up and down. The only one who looked as confused as I did, was June who was seated on a chair and watching their strange behaviour with wide eyes. Because of my delayed reaction, I didn't have the time to stop the door from slamming shut behind me, so when the sound echoed off the walls, I almost jumped out of my skin. All eyes shifted to me and my mom's sobbing stalled for the moment but somehow, I knew I was the bad one in this little episode. I was the evil child who had everyone in a state and I didn't even know why yet. The door suddenly felt too far away as I was rooted to the entrance of the dining room.

"A letter came for us." My father said, thrusting the paper at me. His anger seemed to be radiating through him, because the letter was vibrating in his grip. "It's the principle from the Academy who wanted to congratulate us in advance for having such a talented daughter. She said it was the first time in her time as principle that she had a student who was offered scholarships to fifteen different universities and was invited to study at Julliard without a formal audition." By the end of his speech, he was practically growling out the words. "Now explain to me why said, talented daughter, did not tell me about these scholarships or the invite! I'm dying to know why you would even apply! Are we such horrible people that you don't want to stay in the damned same city as us, never mind the same damned country!"

I flinched at the exclamations, feeling my heart practically ripping out of my chest.

This was the first time my father ever yelled at me.

Instead of instantly starting to defend myself, my eyes moved to my little sister. She had tears in her eyes, not knowing how to handle her father yelling at her sister.

"June, why don't you go to your room and play a game?" I asked tenderly and the girl all but ran out the door. Once I was certain she was out of hearing range, I finally turned to face my father.

"Dad, I wasn't the one who app-"

"I don't care who applied! I care about the fact that you didn't even have the decency to tell us about this! You're our eldest daughter for goodness sake!" I flinched at the harsh words. "What? Do you think because we sent you abroad, we were trying to get rid of you? It was your decision not to come visit!" My father then threw the paper on the ground and stomped over to me. "You might be eighteen and we might have missed your high school experience, but you are not leaving this country or this city ever again. Do you hear me?" He ground out between clenched teeth. I opened my mouth to agree but the moment I opened my mouth, cut me off again. "You know what, never mind college. You're starting to work at the supermarket first thing in the morning. I've already talking it over with Tim and he will be overjoyed to hear you agreed to start working there tomorrow." He turned his back to me before I could say anything. "You're not going to college and your grounded for the rest of the holidays apart from work."

"Dad-" Anthony started but one glare from my father and he was forced into silence.

Eric was about to speak up as well when Anthony shook his head and they both glanced at me.

"Sweetheart, I really think-"

"I don't care what you think!" My father yelled at my mother and then thrust his finger in my direction. "She's nothing more than a child and she will remain one until she realizes she cant just go around acting like the world owes her something! What kind of ungrateful spiteful person goes applying to every university for a scholarship when there's a perfectly respectable college right here in the city? What, she thinks she's good enough to be some high class scholar now? She's a damned child with good grades! So what? The girl is a selfish snob and it's about time she realizes this is her home, not some hostel to come drop by in once every four years!"

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