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Name: Virus
NickNames: glitch,error,worthless,Android,robot,pointless,slave,machine,slave and emotionless.
Age: unknown
Gender: Female
Likes: hacking,drawing,music,fighting,taller people,Autobots and being alone.
Hates: unknown
Height: 5ft 1 inch

April was born as a normal child till she was 4. At that time she had the worst time as she was experimented on by scientists. Her mom hated her,so shesold her. Her dad had loved her but got murded 2 nights before. After 7 years of experimenting she gave herself the name 'virus' as any electronic thing she touched,exploded data into her brain. She calls her brain a memory chip as it reminds her of how she's like a computer.She had finally escaped 1 year after and was hidden in a church in Chicago. She was finally found by orphanage and taken in. She was treated badly and tried to suicide many times. She also cut herself and found out she had white and black blood. She went to school with a mask covering her mouth and nose. She also wore a black and grey hoodie with black,baggy jogging and black trainers. She was adopted by people but put back into the same orphanage many times. She also got abused at school and many of the houses. Only one family didn't and that was her family ever since.

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