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"Get that bitch Kat!" I heard my best friend dream scream at me as I ran toward Loren. I punched her in the mouth she fell to the ground.

I got on top of her and just started throwing punches in every spot she left open. she was blocking and after a minute grabbed a hold of my hair.

"let go bitch" I punched her in the head between each word.I heard people screaming for her to get up screaming for me to fuck her up.

"break her nose kat its wide open fuck yo hair use yo brain!" dream yelled.

I punched the bitch dead in her nose It made a cracking noise. Loren let go of my hair yelping in pain. Next thing I know I'm being dragged by my hair across the field and kicked by two bitches. Then I heard gun shots every body scattered I was on the floor still. dream cracking up laughing.

"I swear these mfs is pussy" she laughed putting her gun back in her pants. I shook my head at her and started laughing too.

"why you gotta be so crazy dream?"

she shrugged "why bitches can't ever let they friends take a L . Brooklyn bitches always jumping somebody" dream took a brush out my purse and brushed out my hair I bet it was curly and all over now.

"let's go I hear sirens" I followed her out the field. "I gotta go make some moves Kat imma catch you later." I nodded I don't know why dream is so crazy and into the game she said its money the look even the smell made her wild and hungry for more. dream was beautiful to beautiful the police never expect her to do hood shit. That's why she never gets caught she had big brown eyes light skin long blonde and brown braids that flew down her back. her face was angelic she looked 13 aside from how thick she was.

I walked into the projects boys were playing dice. kids playing by the fire hydrant water. old people were sitting on their stoops and chairs gossiping.

"nanny I'm home" I shut the door waiting for her response.

"in the kitchen baby" I walked in and she was making grilled cheese my favorite. "mmm if smells good nanny" she turned and looked at me wide eyed.

"Chile what happened to you? you been fighting again? didn't I tell you no more of that nonsense? I can't be bailing you out of jail Kat" she nagged.

"no nanny you don't understand she was talking about mama" nanny frowned "these girls Noe a days have no respect not for elders the dead nothin'" she shook her head " go get washed up for lunch" I went up to my room it was pink and white with decorations from Victoria secret

"pink" collection.

I grabbed some underwear a bra socks robin jeans a white shirt and my pink and white new balances. then headed to take my shower dream said she wanted to go to the movies tonight so I mine as well get dressed now. I let down my red hair and looked in the mirrow I had no hips but I big ass and little chest I hated my body. but dream said all the niggas in Brooklyn wanted me cause of it. my full lips small nose  straight smile light skin and blue eyes drove them up a wall. I undressed and got in the shower relaxing my sore muscles and head.

I joined nanny at the table.

"Katrina ..." she said softly

"yes?" she sighed "you know I'm getting sicker and sicker by day Kat this cancer is eating at me" I put my hand up "not tonight Nanny" she frowned "your about to be 18 you need to support your self get a job I might not be here for much longer"

I sighed "nanny the cancer will cure your fine"

"I have less then a year Kat. I suggest you let it sink in hiding your feelings aren't helping either of us sugar coating reality will do nothing." she got up and left I sat there hot tears running down my cheeks I sighed and headed upstairs for a nap before my long night with dream.

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