Chapter 5

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-Time Skip To Their Seventh Year-
Lily's POV
Fred and I are still together even after four years. Draco and Hermione Granger confessed to each other and are dating. They are just so cute. Ron has a Slytherin girlfriend. Her name was Mattie Johnson. Harry was with Ginny Weasley, Fred's little sister, and they were so cute. Recently I've been distant from Fred and the other Gryffindor's. My father told Draco and I that we had to become Death Eaters. I didn't want to. I refused instantly but Draco didnt. He accepted. It broke my heart that he would become a Death Eater. Fred was worried about me. I could tell. I barely even glance at my brother anymore. Draco just isn't the same. I thought that since he was dating Hermione, who didn't have wizards for parents, that he would change his mind but now he is just like father. 'Ring'
I was brought out of my thoughts by the bell ringing. Class was over.
"Miss. Malfoy detention. You weren't paying attention in class," Umbridge said.
I nodded and walked away. I heard footsteps behind me and a hand grabbed my arm. I was turned around and I saw Fred standing there looking down at me.
"Hey, love," He said quietly.
"I have detention tonight with Umbridge," I said softly.
"What?" He asked shocked. "I'll just have to get detention as well."
"Darling there's no reason to," I said.
"Yes there is, I love you and we go through everything together," He said taking my face into his hands.
He kissed me softly. Oh how I will never get tired of his kisses. He pulled away and smiled at me. He winked before heading off to cause trouble. I shook my head before heading to lunch. I got to the dining room and there were fireworks going off everywhere. I giggled when I saw Fred on his broomstick with his wand. He saw me and flew over. He turned upside down and gave me a kiss. I kissed back before Umbridge came stomping into the room.
"George or Fred or whoever you are Weasley detention tonight along with Miss. Malfoy, who gets another night do to PDA," She screeched.
I scuffed. She walked away from us and I rolled my eyes.
"We have detention today, my love," Fred said.
"Yes but I also have one tomorrow as well," I said.
"Looks like I need another detention," Fred said.
"Come on let's go to our place," I said.
He dropped to the floor and took ahold of my hand. We walked to a secret passage way and entered it. We walked all the way to the intersection. We had decorated it with lots of stuff. It was truly our home. We had pictures of us and our friends. Lights were set up, a couch, and a bed. We laid there all day before going to detention.

-Time Skip-
It was now Christmas and I was going home with Draco. I barely talk to him and all he does is stress out. He mutters to himself constantly. As we got off the train our parents were waiting.
"Come we have very important guests at home," Father said.
We all grabbed onto each other's arms and appeariated there. There stood Voldemort. He must have heard that I refused to become a Death Eater.
"Aww Lillian Malfoy. My my dear, you have truly disappointed me," He said grabbing his wand. "I'm gonna give you one more chance to change your mind deary. Become a Death Eater and be loyal to me only."
"No," I said without hesitation.
"What a pitty. Oh well Avada Kedavra," He said and I screamed as the unforgettable curse hit me.
Then my life flashed before my eyes. The first time I met Fred and George Weasley. When I met Angelica. When I came to Hogwarts. My first kiss with Fred. Our first night together. The first time we said that we loved each other. The last time I saw his face.

Fred's POV
"FRED!!!" I heard my mother scream.
I went running down the stairs and to her.
"What's wrong?" I asked.
I saw George, Ginny, Ron, Harry, Hermione, Charile, Bill, mom, and dad surrounding the table with tear stained faces.
"Oh Fred, it's horrible," George sobbed.
"What?" I asked and walked forward.
It was the Daily Profit. On the cover was Lily's face. My heart lurched forward when I read the headline.
Lillian Malfoy Dead
Lillian Malfoy was killed yesterday evening by He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named. Draco Malfoy reported her death. He said that when they got home with their parents they were shocked to find You-Know-Who in their living room. He also said that You-Know-Who didn't hesitate to pull out his wand and use the most unforgettable curse in history. Avada Kedavra. Narcissa and Lucius Malfoy, Lillian's parents, said that Lillian said something before her life force was gone. She said that she loved Fredrick Weasley with all her heart and that she would be waiting for him. They said that her funeral was being held on Christmas Eve.
I stopped reading, I couldn't read anymore.
"No, this can't be real," I whispered out.
"Fred, she's gone," George said.
I broke, that love of my life was killed. Draco had to watch her die. So did her parents. I was planning on purposing to her when she came over in a couple weeks. I had the ring and everything. I had mom, Ginny, and Hermiome's help picking it out. It was rose gold with a small diamond. Lily never did like jewels very much. Now I can't even tell her how much I love her. Everyone around me watched as I fell to the floor and cried my heart out.
"L-lily, please come back to m-me. Pl-please I n-ne-need you," I sobbed out.
George was right behind me with crying out that he wanted his best friend back. Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Ginny followed. Then mom, dad, Bill, and Charlie.

-Time Skip Two Years Later-
Third-Person POV
The war has been going on and it was almost over. So far so many people have died. One person was about to die, Fred Weasley. He was oddly smiling as his death same near. His brother was right by him.
"Georgie I get to see Lily again. I'll tell her you said hi and that you love her," Fred gasped out.
Harry, Ron, Hermione, Ginny, Charlie, Angelica, Bill, his mother and father, and many more were around them.
"Tell we all said hi and that we love her," His mother said strocking her sons cheek.
"Of course mum," He said with his final breath.
He went limp in George's arms. Everyone started crying but they all knew that Fred would be alright and that he would be with Lily Malfoy and that they wouldn't let each other go. They also knew that both of their lives would live on forever in their memories. What they didn't know was that something was happening above them. Lily Malfoy was sitting on a bench like she has been for two years, waiting. She was doing what she said she was going to do, she was waiting for Fred Weasley. She doesn't know how much time has pasted. She didn't care. All she wanted was Fred. There was a flash of bright white light that blinded Lily. She covered her eyes and when the brightness went away she opened her eyes. There he was, Fred Weasley. She smiled and stood up.
"Fred," She said in a dreamy voice.
"Lily," Fred whsipered.
They smiled and ran to each other. They hugged each other tightly.
"Oh Fred I love you," Lily said.
"And I love you Lily," Fred spoke softly to her. "Everyone says hi and that they love you."
"Have you seen Draco?" Lily asked.
"He's on the Dark side, so are your parents," Fred said sadly.
"Oh," Lily mumbled.
"Let's forget that. We're finally back together Lily, let's live it up," Fred said.
Lily started thinking about a meadow. It appeared. Fred was amazed as he looked around.
"All you have to do is think about a place and it appears," Lily said.
"Okay let's do this," He said and though of his parents house.
It appeared and Lily smiled.
"I love it," Lily said.
"Great now let's wait for our families," Fred said.
They grabbed each other's hands and walked inside planning on waiting for their families no matter how long it takes.

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