Rabbit and Fox

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The first hour of the patrol remained relatively quiet, broken only when the two elves dropped a few snide comments at each other. As they rode, Mordes would occasionally shoot at an unsuspecting bird or rabbit, and add it to the growing collection of small, dead animals strapped to the back of the horse. However, if they saw a slightly larger animal, even a feral cat, Mordes would dismiss it and continue on.

This behaviour reminded Legolas of a fox, hunting small, defenceless prey, and cowardly avoiding larger animals. The prince told her as such, and she snorted.

"In that case, you would have to be a rabbit, always running away from me."

"At least I can blend in and stay inconspicuous. You stand out everywhere and everyone wants to kill you."

Mordes narrowed her eyes at him. "Yes, but you are a pest, and generally found roasting over a fire or in cages."

A faint rustling in the long grass a distance in front of the group caught Legolas' attention. Mordes stiffened when she too, noticed the sound.

"Men," she called softly. "There is something ahead in the grass. Do not yet draw your weapons. Continue as if nothing has happened, but be alert."

The surrounding men nodded, and continued along the path, appearing completely carefree, though Legolas picked up on their quickening of heartrate. He was surprised. They handled this with experience, so he assumed that they had used this technique before.

Legolas scanned the patch of grass where the sound was coming from. All elves had exceptional eyesight, though Legolas' skill surpassed most, if not all. A patch of black armour caught his eye and he focused on it, trying to find the creature that wore it. His heart leapt into his throat when he saw.

"Yrch!" (Orcs) He whispered. "They bear the symbol of Angmar!"

Mordes' head whipped around to face him. "You're sure, Rabbit?"

Legolas rose an eyebrow at the name she called him. "Yes. There are twenty-three of them... Fox."

The nickname caused her to smile unexpectedly, before replying. "I must have missed a patrol when I was scouting. There is no possible way they could have set out from Angmar after I did and still have reached this place. Very well. Men, continue on as you are, and be ready to draw your weapons. When I give the word- attack. You know the procedure." She glanced at Legolas. "Try not to get in the way, Rabbit."


"Now!" Mordes shouted, as they came almost alongside the orcs. Legolas drew his bow, and nocked an arrow, before aiming and shooting an orc in the neck before anyone had even leapt off their horses. Everyone, even the orcs, stared at him for a moment, before Mordes lunged at the patrol of orcs, and the battle began.

Legolas sprang from the horse he'd been riding, and landed neatly onto the shoulders of a nearby orc, shot it through the head, and leapt onto the ground, trading his bow for his daggers. In a few, quick movements, he decapitated one orc, and spilled the intestines of another. He spared a quick glance at the rest of the patrol.

Every orc had been killed, but for one. As Mordes impaled an orc on the point of her sword, another was creeping up behind her. It had raised its weapon, and was prepared to smash it into her unguarded back, when an arrow impaled its brain. Mordes spun around and her jaw dropped as the beast dropped to the ground, and Legolas stepped out from behind it, his bow lowering.

The prince watched her as her gaze turned to him. "I... You- you saved my life." She whispered, her expression surprisingly vulnerable. She then checked herself, and her face once again became a mask of stone. "I guess you are not so useless after all, Rabbit."

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