Stop yourself from reading lol

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TW: language? but I mean if you have wattpad language should be nothing to you.

If there is one thing Gerard hates most in his life it's definitely waiting on the bus. All the smells and weird ass looks he gets. But does he have a car? no. Does he attempt to get a license? no. Why you might ask. Well Gerard is of the special kind. You know.... the one who smells kinda bad, gets judged for wearing skirts . I mean he only lives in a small town in New Jersey and everyone knows everyone business. He also has one of those families. That family that always is in trouble with law officials, always fighting, your definition of a "dysfunctional family". So he just runs away all the time and fuck never gone to high school a day past his junior year. but meh.

please forgive me father for i have sinned. also i hate myself so much for this??? and i'm running on 3 hours of sleep and around 30 oz of coffee???????????
this is kind of a teaser sorta thing so you sort of know gerard?????????? hahahakmsloliwannadieeeeee

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