Chapter 2. Tokyo

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"Hmm.." I thought to myself as I looked at my bags. I have prepared myself the night before so I wouldn't have to do it quickly today. I then checked if I had everything I needed. After a few minutes of checking if I had everything in my bags, I picked them all up struggling slightly with the weight and went downstairs to a taxi.

Once I got into the taxi I automatically realized the face of the driver. "A-Amami-kun?" Before he could even ask where I was heading, he whipped his head back to face me. "Oh, hey Saihara." He said casually. "Your a taxi driver?" I asked in disbelief not expecting him to be one. "Yeah, not only that, I also own a Starbucks cafe in Tokyo." My jaw dropped. "You have your own cafe?" "Yep, right next to Hope Bagels." I then slump back in the chair as I put on my seat belt. "I might as well try that place tomorrow since I have a flight to catch at the airport to Tokyo." He then looked to the road. "So to the airport it is then" he said as he switched the gears to drive and started driving. "Yep."

Once we got there I gave money to him finally after us arguing whether I give him the money or not since he didn't want it because I was one of his friends. Before I left, he asked me. "How long are you going to be in Tokyo?" "About a year or two." I replied as I looked at the time. I still have four hours until the plane lands here for Tokyo. "Ah, alright, I'll be there next week so I'll see you soon, bye, have a safe flight" he said smiling and waving goodbye as I walked off. "Bye" I replied before he drove off and I walked in.

After getting in from the security, I looked at my surroundings. "Wow, there are a lot of souvenirs here.." I thought to myself looking at the time again. I had three more hours before my plane to Tokyo arrives, so I have some time to look around.

I glanced at this one place called "Krispy Kreme's". "I didn't know we had those here." I then walked inside and it smelt like fresh warm donuts. "Hello there!" I heard someone shout from behind the front register desk. I then walked up to it and waved back shyly. I don't understand why I am like this.. "Aoi Asahina here!! what donut would you like? We have all kinds!!! We also have smoothies, milk shakes, ice cream, and cake!!" She said so loudly it was unbelievable. "U-uh, can I have the cinnaballs with a chocolate ice cream?" I said, pointing to my orders. She smiled and nodded as she went to the back, probably to tell the person who is making my order.

Asahina then came back asking me for my money which I gave here, and walking to a seat to wait for my order. After waiting for a few minutes, she called for me and gave me my order. "Sorry it took so long, me and  Teruteru are the only ones that came to work today." She said as she crossed her arms. "Ah, i-it's okay, w-well, I'll be on my way now, bye." I said while turning around with my food. "Your welcome!! Fly safe!!" She shouted since I was already almost out. I wonder how she knew I was flying away, I could have just flew to here or something.

I looked at the time as I am about to arrive my gate. I had 2 more hours so I am okay. I sat down on a chair and grabbed out my favorite mystery novel and read it while eating my cinnaballs.

~~time skip~~

I closed my novel, and put it back into my bag before heading inside of the plane. Once I found my seat, I looked outside the window. I'm glad my uncle got me a window seat so I can look out of it. I heard a sigh come from next to me causing my head to whip to that direction. It was some person wearing their hoodie up while listening to music. I shrugged, and continued to look out the window slowly falling asleep.

~~time skip (again)~~

I was woken up by shaking. I looked up to see a stewardess trying to shake me awake, I took a glance out the window to see that we have landed. "Ah, t-thank you for waking me up, h-have a good day." I said as I unbuckle my seat belt, and get my bags. I quickly made my way out of the plane, and walked inside of the airport. I took a look at my phone and found a text from my uncle saying. "Here is the link and everything you need to know about the apartment I got for you." It read along with the link to the name of it with what number and all the information I need. I then replied, "Thank you, I also just landed." And went outside to wait for a cab I could take to my apartment.

Once I found one, I put my bags inside and went in along with it. I glanced at the head mirror and I saw a man with green hair and ear piercings. "What the fuck? Amami!? How the hell are you here?!?" He turned his head to face me. "Huh? Hey, Saihara." How is he acting so goddamn casual? "I can't tell you that, but what I can tell you is that this is not a cab, this is my car." Amami said as I sighed. "Just take me to my apartment.." He chuckled. "Heh, alright, where is it?" I told him the address while I was putting on my seat belt.

Silence then came along for a short while until Amami broke it. "So, what are you doing in Tokyo anyway?" He asked, keeping his eyes on the road. "Ah, I was assigned for a mission to catch the Phantom Thief." I was looking out the window, looking at all the big buildings. "Oh, that thief? He is really annoying, nobody has been able to catch him for years! Rumors said that he is coming back today. He hasn't been stealing anything that often. Not after school came back a few months ago. I was thinking, maybe he is a teacher or a student. He is most likely a student by the way he acts. He could even go to my school because a detective saw a page from one of the math books at the school I go to. It had doodles and math answers on it, but with no name, sadly. We still weren't able to figure out who's handwriting it was because a whole bunch of students use the same one. The part that mostly gets me angry is how on the news they won't expose his voice because of the government." I took note of what he just said and kept it in my head. "You are not wrong, he could be a student. Who do you think is the thief?" I asked, hoping to get good answers. "Well, the thief has purple hair or black, and he is about 5" 5'1" feet tall, but there are tons of students who have purple or black hair, though only a few of them are 5'1, and he could be taller or shorter since I only saw an image of him on the news. The thief could probably be Ouma-kun from his childish behavior which I doubt it is him with his lazy ass, there is also this other guy but I don't know his name, heh, some help I am." "Actually, you helped a lot, thanks for that information, what is "Ouma's" first name?" "Oh, his name is Kokichi Ouma, he is also a close friend of mine, I wonder why but he is, also we are here." I nodded.

I grabbed my stuff and got out the car as Amami rolled down the window. "Thanks for the ride, I still need to know how you got here before me though." He shook his head before chuckling. "Heh, let's just say, this is Yumeno's magic that's bringing me here." I rolled my eyes. "The real answer Amami.." He put his hand over his chest and leaned back dramatically. "You don't think her magic is real!? I'm offende—!" I quickly cut him off. "Amami!!" He laughed at my annoyance from his actions. "Alright, alright, I'll tell you. Ouma's a rich kid from his parents that died in a robbery and gave him the money so he let's me use his private jet." "Wow, I feel bad for this guy, even though I know nothing about him." I thought. "Oh, sorry for his loss then, I'm going to go to my apartment now so see ya." Once I turned around, he called for me. "Hey, call me if you want me to show you around, it's different than what it looked like when we were younger." "Okay, well bye." I then continued walking into the tall building.

I flopped on top of my bed and sighed. "I can get used to this." I closed my eyes, slowly falling asleep before I heard my phone buzz making me groan. I quickly looked at it, it was a private number?... I answered my phone, putting it against my ear. "H-Hello...?" I waited until I finally heard a reply. "Oh! Hello mister detective~ I didn't think you were even going to answer! Ahem, anywaays~ what are you up to right now?" The voice was slightly funky, it was deep, but high at the same time? Hmm, it is confusing, as if this person was using a voice changer, probably is. I paused for a second. Who even is this gu-- "C'mon, answer me! You may be wondering who am I, why am I even calling you with a private number? Well~ haven't you ever thought about it having a reason why it's in private? I thought you were a detective!" "W-wait, who a-are you?" He giggled at my question. "Sorry, but I can't tell you!~ Your the detective, figure it out, my times up, goodbye~." Before I could say anything back, he hung up as I stared at my phone. "That was really strange. How did he even know my name? Maybe I'll try finding out later, I'm going to take a quick nap."


Is It You? [Phantom Thief AU/Oumasai/Saiouma]Where stories live. Discover now