Chapter One: The Invasion

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          "You've got to be freakin' kidding me!" I shouted as a heavy-set man made a quick move to his right and disappeared through a window.

          "I'll cut him off. You pursue." My partner called from behind me. I let out a large sigh. No call was ever an easy call when you were a New York Police Officer. I slid my body through the tight window frame. How did that man get his fat ass through that? A clattering noise shook me from my thoughts. Right, I needed to catch my prey that appeared to be stumbling his way down the fire escape. He was almost at the platform on the second floor; I was on the fifth. My smile was big as I prepared myself for the leap. Eleven years of gymnastics, please don't fail me now.

          I felt the wind run through my hair as I dropped through the air. A strange calm spread through me as I watched the fourth story platform pass by me in a rust colored blur. The third passed and then the second was in my sight. The railing creaked as my hands gripped it tightly. There was a loud popping noise, and judging from the pain in my shoulder, it wasn't coming from the platform. Ignoring the dull roar coming from my left arm, I quickly glanced below me to find the fat man stepping off the ladder preparing to run. You won't be getting away, not on my watch! I locked onto him with my vision; he was a slow-moving target, so I wouldn't need to put very much power into my next move. Taking a deep breath, I swung my body four times then released my grip from the railing.

          My aim was perfect. I quickly approached the man's large body and prepared for my landing. There was a loud thumping noise as my arms wrapped around the man's upper torso. He lost his balance and fell forward landing heavily on my hands. I quickly slipped my hands out from under him and grabbed my handcuffs while sitting on top of him. The man didn't even try to resist them being put on. He had accepted his fate. Perhaps he was a wiser than I originally thought.

          "Nothing good ever comes from running from the cops. We always win." The man wheezed heavily in reply.

          "Whatever, just get off of me!" his voice sounded strangled, I couldn't decide whether it was from his first attempt at vigorous exercise in quite some time or from me sitting on top of him. "You're crushing my spleen!" he squealed.

          "Your spleen is in the upper torso. I'm sitting on your lower back. You really should know what you're talking about before-"

          "Jesus, Moore!" I whipped my head around to see my partner, Jamie Walsh, panting heavily. His bright red hair was disheveled, and his green eyes were burning brightly with both anger and awe. "Are you even human?! You jumped from the fifth floor!" he seemed completely flabbergasted.

          "Yes, but I landed on the second floor and then jumped to the ground."

          "I know you have a background that allows you to do crazy stuff like that, but you could have been seriously hurt!" I shrugged my shoulders.

          "I had a soft landing," I said as I nudged a fat roll that was peeking out from the criminal's hoodie. The man jerked and brought my attention to a sack lying a foot away from him. "Let's see what this heavy bag has to offer." I tossed it to Jamie, and he caught it effortlessly.

          "Okay. We have, let's see, three iPhones, lots of expensive looking jewelry, four wallets, a bunch of bills, and...thongs. Classy." I snorted as Jamie rolled his eyes. "I think it's safe to say that we've apprehended the neighborhood klepto."

          "Great! Let's get him to the clanker and head back to the office. I have a hot date with Netflix tonight."

          "Wow, sounds exciting. I bet you two will keep each other up till the early morning." We chit-chatted while we loaded the man into our patrol car. "I don't see why you don't just go on an actual date. You might actually enjoy it. How many have you been on since you came to New York?" He paused and dramatically counted on his hands. "Three. Relationships can be really fun, you know."

          "Right," my voice dripped with sarcasm, "coming from the guy that takes his dog to watch movies at the park every Saturday, that doesn't sound very convincing."

          "Hey, I never said the relationship had to be with a human!"

          "Then my dates with Netflix are just fine, thank you," we both laughed. Jamie and I had been partners for almost five years. During our first few months of being together we went through the awkward stage of attraction that occurs when you're with someone for 12 hours a day. We tried to date, but after some really, and I mean really, awkward dates, we decided that our relationship was best left platonic. Now the man was my best friend. I trusted him completely and he did the same. We were both prepared to take bullets for each other.

          He looked as if he was about to say something when our radio crackled to life. "All cars are to report to midtown Manhattan immediately. Area is under attack. Code 30!" My heart beat picked up. Code 30 meant officers needed help, and it was a serious emergency. I quickly picked up and responded.

         "Officers Walsh and Moore en route to Manhattan in response to Code 30." We were about ten minutes away from the destination, but I saw why we had been called there much sooner. I was not prepared for the waves of destruction that riddled my city.

          My home was being torn apart, ripped at the seams. Places I walked by every day, where I ate, had fun- they were crumbling. The tall buildings that surrounded me looked as if they were rotting, windows shattering, structures disintegrating. Then I saw them, the cause of the rot. It was as if a veil had been removed from my eyes, and suddenly I could see all of those...those monsters. For probably the first time in my life I was frozen with fear. During my years as a cop I had felt fear but never like this. I knew that what I was facing was another human- that was a fear that could be conquered. But those creatures, they weren't human. They were large masses of muscle, armor, and weapons. I saw one blasting a building with its gun and got a good look at its face.

          What I saw made me whimper, whimper! Its face was sharp and knotty, ghastly teeth protruding from the slit in its face, perhaps its mouth. It looked like, like a vicious bug and terminator love child. I would learn later that it was a Chitauri.

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