Mel "Oh, come on sis, Play nice."

Piper You know?"

Mel "Caleb told me."

Piper "How did you find out caleb?'

Caleb "Hera."

Piper "Auntie Hera? Of course she would."

Caleb "Bye Piper."

(Caleb and Mel went back to dancing.)

(Piper got so mad.)

(Piper walked to the principle.)

Piper "Principle "Mel and her family are here? Are they allowed here?"

Principle "Piper, I know who you are, and I have an idea that you know who I am?

Piper "Ok, Fine."

(The principle puled out a knife and was about to stab Piper until Mel saw it and ran over to Piper and stopped the knife from hurting her.)

Piper "Mel? Why did you do that?"

Mel "Your the only sister I have left, Even though I can't forgive you for what you did to Caleb."

Principle "Get out of her Mel."

Mel "No."

(Everyone stopped doing what they were doing and watch the principle.)

Triton "Leave us all alone."

Principle "No."

Hephaestus "What do we do now?"

Eirene "Guys I have the knife that killed her before."

Principle "What?!"

(Eirene, Athena, Mel, Hephaestus, Plutus,Triton, Hermes, Dionysus, Helen held the knife in the air and it glowed bright and they stabbed their grandma in the heart and she screamed but she didn't die fast enough, She fought back sometimes and they fought back harder. The principle fought back harder and the kids were getting weak until piper joined them and then their grandma got more weaker and died, Then the glow slowly went across  the room and everyone was on the ground.)

(Plutus and Eirene didn't wake up.)

Caleb "Mel!"

(Caleb helped Mel get up.)

(everyone else  got up.)

(Helen went to go check on Eirene.)

Helen "Guys, she is not breathing."

Athena "Same with Plutus."

Brooklyn "Are you guys ok?"

Triton "I don't know how we are going to tell Demeter and Poseidon."

Abby "wait Megan, you can do something."

Megan "I can't."

Abby "Why not?"

Megan "I lost my powers because she is dead."

Mel "What do you mean?"

Megan "She gave me powers."

Athena "So, your not a real witch?"

Megan "No, Sorry guys."

(Megan left the Toby.)

Hera "Guys."

Hermes "Mom."

(Hera sees Plutus and Eriene dead.)

Hera "Oh no."

Athena "Yeah."

Student "Yay! NO MORE SCHOOL!"

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